Dirt Roads are Rocky

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My head hit the window when I jolted awake. When I looked around I was in such an unfamiliar place, there were trees everywhere, the sky was blue and clear, dogs were running around, we were driving on dirt and did we just pass a bunch of cows?

I'm from Chicago, but my parents had gotten a divorce (my fault), and so here we are in small town fucking Graceland, Alabama.

You're probably wondering how 16 year old me caused my parents divorce. Well that's simple, my mom was lying to my dad about having a boyfriend (they were already split up but when you love someone you're supposed to stay with them and so they were bound to get back together), but my dad was paying my mom's bills and so I told him. I didn't think it would cause us to move 14 hours away. I thought wrong, clearly.

I have 3 sisters, but two of them (Ariella and Braily) stayed with my dad in Chicago. So it's just me, my mom and my sister Chelsea. I'm the youngest.

Me and Chelsea are close but she's got some mental health issues, but who doesn't. The only thing difficult about living with Chelsea is her common occurrence to hurt me, plan to kill me or herself, and her stealing from me.

"Are we finally in hell?" I'm sure the disgust I felt of being here was present in my voice.

"Jasmine knock it off, you might like it here."

I rolled my eyes at my mother while Chelsea snickered.

I was happy in Chicago, I had friends and I was part of clubs. Sure my parents were afraid of me getting knocked up and Chelsea getting into drugs, but I was smart. Yes I was friends with everyone but I wasn't going to touch a dude for a hot minute. My first boyfriend turned out gay, so I'm okay with not having another.

Ariella and Braily were home bodies, they went to prom and had there few friends but they didn't party or go anywhere. Chelsea had friends but they were all in jazz band or the chess club. Me on the other hand, I had friends, I was in cheerleading in elementary school but grew out of it. I was always invited to parties, no one messed with any of us because they knew me. I wanted to say. I didn't know anyone here in Graceland.

Plus what kind of people name their town "Graceland" anyways.

"Yeah Im sure I will." Don't get me wrong the house we are moving into is cute, but I have seen zero people. Where is everyone? In Chicago I was always going somewhere, theres so much to do there. Here? I've seen a Piggly wiggly. That's it.

Tomorrow I start school here, and I have no one. 2 more years of highschool, this should go by pretty fast and smooth.

Dirt roads and my life are a lot alike, the most common similarity... They're both rocky.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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