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This fight will take place on a random beach at a random time.

On a beautiful beach at 1:00 pm, beach goers are having a great time.

Swimming, playing volleyball, Sun Tanning, having a lot of fun.

Suddenly, some people started screaming and were running out of the water and running away from the shore.

Some people on the beach were confused, then out of nowhere.


People looked towards the water and on the shore line was an animal that no one has ever seen before, it had a head and half the body of a Great White Shark, but the other half of this monster was half Octopus with sharp spike stingers on the end of its ten tentacles.

It was Sharktopus.

People started screaming and running for their lives away from this monster, Sharktopus roars and chases after his human buffet, swinging his tentacles trying to catch, stab or grab someone.

A young teenage girl trips while running, before she could get back up, Sharktopus grabs the girl with a tentacle, and lifts her up.

The girl screams in fear as she was face to face with this monster.

Sharktopus was about bite down and end this girl's life, when suddenly, KABOOOOM!

Sharktopus was hit in the head by some explosion, knocking him down and dropping the girl, the girl quickly gets back up and runs away.

Sharktopus got back up as well, and spotted his prey.
The girl trips again and turns on her back to see the beast charging at her.

But Sharktopus stops dead in his tracks when a black creature landed in between him and the girl.

It was a creature that was also never seen before, it was a dragon, but not just any dragon.

It was Toothless the Night Fury.

Toothless looks back at the girl and nods his head at her as a sign to tell her to run, and the girl runs away, Toothless now looks back at Sharktopus who was only five feet away from him.

Sharktopus roars out of anger at Toothless for letting his meal get away, so Sharktopus is now going to have Toothless as his meal.


Sharktopus charges at Toothless, and Toothless starts firing blue plasma fireballs at Sharktopus, Sharktopus gets hit three times, but dodges three more fireballs.

Toothless could no longer fire any more plasma shots, he only has a six shot limit of plasma shots and as to wait until his fire breath reheats.

Sharktopus was now right in front of Toothless and launches three of his tentacle stingers at Toothless, Toothless jumps side to side to avoid the first two tentacles and jumps back just in time to avoid the third tentacle that landed one inch away from his

Toothless opens his wings, crouches down, and lunges at Sharktopus while roaring at him, Toothless tackles Sharktopus catching him off guard, then Toothless starts to claw at Sharktopus.

Sharktopus roars while feeling a little bit of pain, but
fights back, Sharktopus wraps at least five of his tentacles around Toothless's body and uses his remaining tentacles to try and stab Toothless.

Toothless caught two of the tentacles in his mouth, to Sharktopus's surprise, this dragon has no teeth.
At least that's what he thinks.

Toothless's mouth suddenly fills with rows of many teeth on his top and bottom jaw, clamping down on Sharktopus's tentacles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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