Chapter 11

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Ana: ~What would you doo-oo-ooo for a Klondike Bar?~

I bite into the creamy, chocolatey goodness that is a Klondike Bar and end up spitting it back out.


One more time.

Ana: Sppeeewwwwwww!!!

Well, that didn't work.

I turn on the TV in the front room of the house of my brothers...

I think.

Advertisement Woman: Does your teeth hurt whenever you eat something too cold??

Ana: Yes?

Advertisement Woman: Is your teeth still even hurting, now from the experience?

Ana: Yeah!

Advertisement Woman: Did you take two bites out of a Klondike Bar and ended up spitting it out because you and your stupid self thought that it would be better the second time?

Ana: YES! Wait what..?

On that last yes, I ended up lifting up something and throwing a cat that came out of absolutely no where, outside.

Advertisement Woman: Well I've got the thing for you-

Pinky walks into the room and turns off my TV and throws my mysteriously non-melted Klondike Bar, out the same window I threw that cat.

Pinky: I know your secret.

Ana: Huh? I have a secret??? Oh shit..!

He found out about my sensitive teeth!!!

Ana: And? What will you do with it.?

I say, suspiciously walking over to him. Acting like I really do have an important secret.

Pinky: Nothing, that's want me to?

Huh? I'm not comprehending.

Ana: Go right ahead.

I say, still trying to figure out my own secret.

Just when I think he found my yaoi stash under my bed, in the floor boards, and inside the door something soft is pressed against my lips.

~ Real Life ~

I jolt up and scream a shrill that a banshee would cringe at.

Tsubaki runs into my room with Azusa right on his hip.

Tsubaki: What's wrong!?

Ana: Azusa!!!

Tsubaki: Huh?!

I call out, Azusa's name completely ignoring the white haired male on the side of him.

Azusa: What's wrong, Ana?

He says, soothingly as he runs his fingers through my hair.

Ana: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be so insensitive of Pinky's feelings!!

Tsubaki: Pinky? Does she mean-

Azusa: Well, what are you going to do about it?

Ana: Can you carry me to the drug store?

Tsubaki: Huh?!?

Azusa: Sure.

~ Time Skip ~

Ana crawls into the living room, sniffling with tears in her eyes.

Ana: I-I'm sorry, Brober!

Pinky: Huh?

Pinky says as I tug at the end of his pants.

Azusa: She got you a gift.

Azusa says, trying to stifle a laugh whilst picking me up and setting me on his lap, on the next side of the room.

Pinky: Where?

Azusa gestures with his eyes to Pinky's feet so Pinky does the same and spots the Hello Kitty wrapping paper of the box.

Pinky: Oh.

He says, looking surprised. And then proceeds to lift it up and just as he's about to open it completely, Azusa rushes up silently with me cradled in his arms and runs up the stairs to his room.

Pinky: ANA!!!!!!

Azusa locks the door and drops on the ground with me in his lap, laughing.

Azusa: Did you have to *gasp* get him *choke* menstrual cycle pills!?

He continues laughing as I answer his question.

Ana: I had this dream about Pinky and while he was talking to me, I noticed that the TV had an advertisement and then there was this cat! Boy, was he soft and black. And usually, black cats indicate bad luck. So I thought if I didn't get this for my brother that he would throw away my Klondike Bar! And, I can't have that!! It's just *sob* so hard!!

He bursts out again in a fit of laughter as I sob on his chest. Repeatingly, saying...

Ana: Stupid advertisement woman, out to get my Klondike Bar and I!

Azusa: So what was the advertisement about?

He says, finally being able to compose himself.

Ana: The first one was about the Devil (advertisement woman) and the next one was about all the problems girls have when their on their period.

Azusa: You do realise Fuuto is a guy, right?


Azusa: You call him...Pinky, don't you?

Ana: I know who Pinky is but she's a girl. Pinky is a girl's name.

Azusa: Uhh...

Ana: Wait...! You mean to tell me...

I jump up, throw the door open, and race down to the couches, where Fuuto!

Ana: Fuuto!

Fuuto turns around from his spot at the bottom of the stairs and looks at Ana confused.

I quickly jump down the stairs and onto Fuuto with grace...and by grace I mean Fuuto, might, or might not, have a concussion.

As he lies on the ground with me on top of him, I grap his belt, un loop it and find...




It's a Boy!!!

Brother's Conflict: The One That Wasn't NoticedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora