Where Snow Falls

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"Good Evening."

Albedo walked into Angel's Share with a subtle grimace. With his sketch pad in hand he placed it onto the bar counter. He sat down with an exasperated sigh.

"Uh oh, what's got you down in the dumps?"

Kaeya's ever relaxed and sugary voice could be heard. He briskly swished the wine glass in hand, watching the lovely red liquid move around. As always his face was one you could never really tell what he's thinking. Kaeya is an outwardly confident and charming individual with a flair for drama. He is sometimes seen as overly laid-back and even lazy, but he takes his work seriously.

He's also someone who seemed to take pride in teasing others.

"The Dragonspine; Missing Persons Investigation."

Albedo answered with a somewhat frustrated groan. Seeing him having a hard time was not only a rare occurrence but fun to watch: in Kaeya's humble opinion. To see the genius Chief Alchemist of the [Knights of Favonius] struggle was entertaining to say the least.

Albedo is a reclusive person, spending most of his time in Dragonspine. He isn't fond of most social interactions and thus rarely travels to the city of Mondstadt unless it is to meet up with his fellow alchemists or other acquaintances. He's not someone to come and openly interact with others and certainly not come to a place like [Angel's Share] on his own free will.

"Having a hard time? If need be, we can always hire some more adventures to get this done." Kaeya briskly spoke while sipping his wine. He of course knew the answer, the alchemist was never one to get so worked up like this. Maybe he was using his teasing as a way to draw Albedo's thought's elsewhere.

"I've checked everywhere on the mountain. The cave's are still not completely mapped out but the entrances are too small to get into without the proper equipment." Albedo spoke with frustration. His hands gripped his pencil in hand tight before he took a deep breath. "I just don't understand how this happened."

"Hey now, don't get so worked up. We'll commission more adventures and keep up the search, alright. It's not like you to act like this." Kayea made an attempt to comfort the panicking alchemist. He was definitely in the wrong to tease him like that but it's his whole personality.

Albedo let out a long sigh as he dropped his head onto the bar counter.

"Hey boss, could we get a drink for him?" Kayea motioned towards the sulking Albedo as he spoke to the bartender Charles. The man simply nodded and poured a drink, sliding it on the counter to Albedo.

"It's on the house. I highly recommend you get some sleep or you'll lose it." Charles shook his head as he spoke. It was pretty obvious he's seen this behavior before. Watching someone work themself half to death.

Master Diluc acted like this when his father died. It was painful to watch it begin to happen to someone else.

Albedo lifted his head from the bar counter and stared at the drink. He didn't drink usually. Not that he couldn't or didn't like it. On rare occasions he'd have a sip or two but wine didn't really affect him.

He was a homunculus after all.

Albedo lifted the drink from the counter. He sighed as he brought it to his lips.


The people within the [Angel's Share] jumped at the noise and turned to the door. It was the knight Huffman. He looked sweaty and out of breath. He leaned on the door making attempts to speak.

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