Meet and Greet

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Albedo walked through the cold breeze and white land of Dragonspine. The breeze tossed his dusty blond hair in different directions and the tail of his white coat flew behind him.

He was finally heading back to his lab. Each step embedded traces of his being. Each passing moment a reminder of where someone he considered a companion was lost. Each passing thought makes him wonder what he should do.

'Timaeus, just how did you survive?'

Albedo couldn't help but wonder just what had occurred here. What clues had he missed? How had he missed them?

He sighed, exhausted but eager to draw a conclusion in this investigation. Truthfully he only cared for Timaeus' safety, how he got back was not a factor that mattered— nor did he really care to know.

But he needed it.

Albedo needed an answer. He needed to understand why this investigation went the way it did. He needed to understand why Timaeus was saved. He needed to know why there was a Khaenrian living in dragonspine without him knowing.


He had longingly awaited something, anything that gave him an answer as to why he was so quickly abandoned by his master, Gold.

He assumed it was because he wasn't the perfect specimen for her primordial human project. That was her reasoning for throwing the original in Durin's stomach.

She couldn't be here on dragonspine.

She wasn't here on dragonspine.

So why—


His attention was quickly diverted elsewhere.


There were footprints leading to his... his lab?!

His lab was relatively far up the mountain. Why would anyone other than Sucrose or Timaeus make an attempt to come this way.

Adventurer's perhaps? No, there weren't any known camps or lit fires on the way up.

He'd passed the Fatui that lurked on the mountain, for reasons he'd had yet to discover, and they never tried their way up the mountain. Seeing as they're Snezhnayan soldiers they'd fare relatively well but never did such a thing.

Treasure hoarders could barely make it across the moat like river around the freezing mountains.

It didn't matter to him. Today was stressful as is, he politely redirected this person and proceeded with plans.

There was no need for conflict unless that was their intention.

Slowly Albedo approached the entrance of the cave. He moved with caution, tracking the footprints. For some reason, the air was cold today.

As a homunculus, Albdeo lacked certain human qualities. One being the inability or rather severe lack of feeling causing him to worry any unfortunate bystanders watch as he forgets to wear oven mitts when baking cookies for Klee. These events have happened so much Kaeya has orders to watch and be sure he doesn't burn himself, it's a thoughtful gesture even if he can't feel the heat.

However he has the ability to detect changes in temperature. His skin would tighten making it much harder to get injured by hilichurls or rogue automations. This just so happens to be one of the few reasons he chooses to reside here on Dragonspine.

As the alchemist arrived at his destination, he of course was met with a person.

This person stood dead center of the cave. A few papers in hand, certainly having read the contents. They stood reading the papers, clad in dark clothing and an expression Albedo couldn't quite read.

The one thing that stood out to him was that this person seemed so... familiar. Like he'd seen this person so many times before.

"This place of yours," They began, placing the papers on the desk in a neat stack.

Long blond hair that flowed each time a breeze made in the cave.

"It's rather... empty."

The person turned to the cave wall opposite of the entrance. They found an interest in the equations written on the board.

A hair accessory. That was what caught Albedo's immediate attention the very second the person turned.

It was an eight pointed star that tied their hair back.

It was a symbol of Khaenri'ah.

It was the exact same one his master would wear.


"Tell me..."

This person, the Khaenrian, finally faced Albedo with an indifferent expression. The blank expression began to shift to a smile.

Blue eyes and fair skin.

This person...

"Have you realized who I am yet?" A condescending laugh bounced off the cave walls shaking Albedo's core. "You should. After all," The Khaenrian took a step forward, Albedo furthering their distance by taking one back.

"Your master modeled you after me."

[These chapters are short cause I don't trust Hoyolab L]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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