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Finally, the day had arrived where we were all headed to the station to go back to Hogwarts. The Weasleys, Hermione, Harry and I were all in the car that had been charmed to expand to accommodate us all, the atmosphere was one of excitement.

We all climbed out the car and gathered our things, walking awkwardly through the muggle station. It was a bit of a weird experience, all the muggles stared at us with our owls, trunks, and cats. It's humbling to say the least.

Once we arrived at the wall, we all looked around for a good time to go through and all made our way through undetected.

The gleaming paint on the train added to the excitement as children clambered onto the train, waving goodbye to their parents.

I turned to Harry and gave him a warm hug, I knew he could get somewhat sentimental about these things; you can't blame him, having no parents is hard. I brushed it off, saying my goodbyes and thank-you's to the Weasleys before heading onto the train, searching for a specific somebody.

"Eve! I'm here, I need to talk to you" a startled voice pulled me into a compartment. I smiled and let out a small 'eek' in excitement. It was Lexie and we shared a small hug before sitting down, her face looked serious.

"Who died?" I joked at her stern expression; hoping it would lift quickly. She didn't lose it though, she remained consistently stern.

"I saw you" was all she said, mystery clouded her voice. I raised my eyebrow, hinting to my confusion. "You and Malfoy ... in Diagon Alley" she whispered and shot her a pointed look. She couldn't tell anyone; if Harry found out it wouldn't end well for either of us.

"You can't tell anyone" I stressed, my voice was severe, and I needed confirmation she wouldn't tell anyone.

"I won't. Only because I know you know how stupid and reckless it is to be friends with him!" she berated me and I huffed, I didn't need a lecture on why Malfoy wasn't the right person to hang around with. "How would Harry feel? You know he'd be broken. He's finally got a family and he doesn't need to feel like Malfoy has any involvement in it..." she exacted, and I nodded meekly.

"I know, it's just that he can be nice on occasion. On others a complete arse but that's the whole population of teenage boys" I tried to digress from the main point of the conversation.

"Either way, I'll keep it a secret, but you need to promise me you'll keep it well-hidden or, better yet, stop talking to him" she concluded and I nodded, silently looking out of the window at the rolling hills.

"Thank you" I mustered it up weakly and she gave me a small smile, it took the weight of my chest.

"Anyway, are you okay? I heard about the World Cup" she asked eagerly. Since the World Cup I had felt on edge, scared that the people in masks and capes would come back. This time trying to find Harry and me.

"I'm fine. I was somehow able to find Harry and the others, but it was terrible. Everything was on fire and the Deatheaters ... I never want to see them, let alone hear about them ever again" I groaned, I knew we'd hear about them again and that is what I dreaded.

"Just tell me if something happens. Like the nightmares" she smiled, and I just felt myself grow tenser.


Lexie and I were sat with Luna and Cho at the table in the Great Hall. All four of us were starving and mumbling about how we couldn't wait to eat. However, we knew of the painfully long speech that followed the sorting.

All the new first years had been sorted and my hands hurt from the clapping. Now, everyone was looking up to Dumbledore, awaiting said painfully long speech.

Forever and a Day | Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz