Chapter 20: What's Next?

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As the sun began to seep behind the pink-tinged clouds, everyone gathered in the tent for the reception. I joined Lightning and Cruz on their journey to the reception.

"Wow. That was a strange day", the latter remarked.

"That's an understatement", I replied.

"Yeah, well, par for the course for this road trip", Lightning informed Cruz, chuckling a little.

"So... You guys didn't have a good time with Mater?" she quizzed us sadly.

"No! No, no, no!" Lightning assured her hurriedly.

"We wouldn't say that", I added.

"No", Lightning agreed. "Mater's great, but" (sigh) "let's just say it'll be a relief to fly back home to my own calm, normal life... Wha- Why?"

Cruz shrugged. "Just wondering. I'd hate for you guys to be unhappy."

"The trip out was crazy", I acknowledged, "but it wasn't that bad. And I am so ready to be back in Radiator Springs."

"Yeah." Cruz nodded understandingly. "You must miss your home a lot with all the travelling we do."

Lightning nudged me and I knew, as hard as it was, I couldn't put it off any longer.

"A- Actually, Cruz? About that... Could I talk to you?"

"Sure." Cruz looked a little confused, but agreeable.

"I'll see you guys in a sec", Lightning called as I led Cruz outside.

When we were alone, I grabbed a few leaves that were littered around the yard and ripped them. I just kept focusing on that and I couldn't meet Cruz's eyes.

"So... What's this about?"

"Um..." I began. That was all I managed to get out before I started giggling uncontrollably. My heart was jumping around inside my chest.

"Fudge, you're scaring me", Cruz informed me anxiously. "Is everything okay?"

"Well... It depends on how you feel about it..."

After a lot of hesitation and through lots of giggles, I finally managed to tell Cruz what was going on: how the racing just wasn't fun anymore, how much I missed Radiator Springs, everything.

Her eyes widened in horror. She gaped at me, yelled at me that I was a traitor and the worst best friend ever. She told me to get out of her life and never come back.

Well, not exactly. (Although, that is how it had always played out in my mind when I imagined telling her.) Instead, she just stared at me like I'd just suddenly started talking in Swedish or something.

"You really feel this way?" she managed to ask eventually.

I nodded. "I'm really sorry. I've tried so hard to keep going for you, but I can't change how I feel."

Cruz let out a breath. "Wow. Okay. I just did not see this coming. I thought you liked all the racing and the travelling..."

"I do! Just... not all the time."

"So... What are you going to do?" Cruz wanted to know.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I thought I'd figure it out on this road trip, but no luck yet."

For the longest time, she didn't say anything.

"Well, I guess I have no choice but to be okay with it."

"But are you?" I had to know.

"Well, I'd hate to lose you as my racing partner", she conceded, "but I'd hate for you to be unhappy even more. You're my best friend. Besides, you'd just resent me if I forced you to keep racing."

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