B.B - Rainy Nights

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you lay close to the metal-armed super soldier, thinking back on the day, it had been relaxing since no one had argued and there wasn't a threat to humanity causing the team to once more fall apart, and it had been a relatively nice day other than the prank loki had pulled resulting in a specific Playboy philanthropist's metal suit to become painted pink, but all that aside, it was okay, breakfast in bed with your favorite man, a playdate with morgan and baking with peter and yelena.

you look over, gently tracing the lines and curves of Bucky's metal arm, smiling softly, he looked peaceful, it wasn't often he slept like this as it was often was you holding him down after a nightmare or the other way around but tonight he looked well human, you hum to yourself quietly, studying him, the way his dark brown hair cascades around his face perfectly painting his jaw with that faint stubble, and the almost noticeable up turn of his soft lips 

"your staring doll" you hear him say, in that deep gravelly voice he gets when he's tired, you flush, his flesh arm tightens around your waist slightly

"I know" you whisper back playfully, a small smile playing at your lips too, as the soft pitter of rain starts to fall, filling the room with that faint smell of wet dirt and dark clouds, the sound of little raindrops racing down to meet the window seals.

"feeling a little smug, Mrs. Barnes?" he smirks tiredly...wait...Mrs. Barnes!?!?, your face lights up in faint surprise giving a small kiss to his jawline, his slight stubble scratching your face, though you didn't mind, the smell of rain, firewood, rust, filling your nose, he smelt good, he smelt like home.

"I love this, rainy nights with you" he mumbles softly, you hum in response, feeling that welcoming feeling of drooping eyelids and sleep starting to drag your mind deeper and deeper into the familiar realm of unconsciousness and dreams, and he was right there with you just like he promised all those months ago. 

and he always would be

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