Chapter 1

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"Its been a year unnie have you move on yet?" Yuna asked while looking at Ryujin

"Well yea she cheated on me" Ryujin said while looking at Yuna

"Found someone already?" Yuna ask

"No I don't believe love anymore what the is point of love anyways" Ryujin said a little angry

"Dang no need to be angry" Yuna said

"I'm not you idiot"Ryujin said

"Yea yea but still its our first day of school tomorrow are you excited!" Yuna said very excited

"Ugh I hate school I don't want to go tomorrow" Ryujin said while whining

"Well to bad you're going" Yuna said

"Well I'm going to my room see you in the morning" Ryujin said in a sleepy voice

"Yea don't wake up late remember that" Yuna said

"Yea yea I wont" Ryujin said while going to her room

Ryujin sigh while getting in her bed "Why did you cheat on me Heejin I thought you love me?" Ryujin thought

"Why Heejin?" Ryujin said in a sad tone

Ryujin got up and goes to her bathroom to shower Ryujin came back even more tired

"I need to sleep tomorrow Yuna want us to be early tomorrow" Ryujin thought while closing her eyes

Ryujin woke up to the sound of her alarm

"Its 4 am already well i better get ready" Ryujin said while going to the bathroom

Yuna's Pov

I woke up to the sound down stairs I look at my phone to see what time is it "Its fucking 4 in the morning whose awake at this time" Yuna said to her self while going down stairs

"Unnie?" Yuna said

"Oh? Did I wake you up sorry" Ryujin said

"Oh its fine but why are you still awake its 4 am?" Yuna ask Ryujin while giving Ryujin a confuse look

Ryujin giggled while looking a Yuna "Did you forget its our first day at school" Ryujin said to Yuna while Yuna giving her a shock face

"SHIT I FORGOTTT" Yuna shout "I better get ready if I want to go to school"Yuna said

"Stop shouting its fucking 4 am" Ryujin said to Yuna "Oh right sorry unnie" Yuna apologize to Ryujin "Stop apologize to me get ready already" Ryujin said to Yuna "Okay unnie" Yuna salute at Ryujin

"Dang I'm nervous" Yuna said in a shaky voice "Don't be nervous its not your first time going to school" Ryujin said "True but its different than I was in middle school" Yuna said to Ryujin that just chuckled "You'll get use to it" Ryujin said to Yuna while going to the entrance of the school  "HEY DON'T LEAVE ME HERE" Yuna shout

Ryujin's Pov

Ryujin laughing silently because of Yuna's cuteness she didn't pay attention to her surroundings until she bumped into someone

"Im so sorry i didn't pay attention where I was going" Ryujin apologize while looking at the girl

"It's okay don't worry"the girl said

Ryujin didnt pay attention to the girl saying she was admiring the girl face she snap out of it when the girl spoke

"Are you new here?" the girl ask

"Uhm, yea I'm new here im actually here with my sister" Ryujin said before she groan

"Why did you left me?!" Yuna said to Ryujin while caressing her shoulder

"You keep talking about your nervousness" Ryujin replied and rolls her eyes

"Yea yea" Yuna look at the girl "You're friend?" Yuna ask Ryujin

"Uh I just bump on her" Ryujin said while the girl was looking at her

"Uhh nice to meet you guys I'm Hwang Yeji" Yeji said smiling

"Shin Yuna nice to meet you too" Yuna said while looking at Ryujin "Shin Ryujin" Ryujin said while smiling

"Since you guys are new here I could tour you guys here if you guys like" Yeji said

"Oh no its fi-" Ryujin was about to say something but she was cut off by Yuna "We would love to" Yuna said while smiling at Yeji "Great come with me let's go to the principle office" Yeji said "Okay come on unnie" Yuna said

"Unnie what class are you in?" Yuna ask Ryujin "Uhm English" Ryujin replied "We have the same class" Yuna said excitedly

"Uhh what about you Yeji?" Ryujin ask Yeji
"Oh its English to we have the same class" Yeji replied smiling at Ryujin Yuna cleared her throat "Should we go?" Yuna ask "Yea let's go" Yeji said

While going to the English class Yuna notice that Ryujin was quiet "Unnie what's wrong why are you so quiet suddenly?" Yuna ask Ryujin while Yuna was looking at Ryujin in a worried look "Uhh nothings wrong just thinking something" Ryujin gave Yuna a fake smile "Are you sure?" Yeji ask Ryujin "Yea I'm fine" Ryujin replied

"So class we have a new student can you guys introduce yourself" the teacher said "Hi I'm Shin Yuna 21 y/o and I love dancing and singing nice to meet you guys" Yuna said excited and smiling "Hi I'm Shin Ryujin 22 y/o" Ryujin said "What do you like?" The teacher said "Me and Yuna have the same interest" Ryujin replied "Okay you guys can sit beside Yeji and Lia" The teacher said the two just nod

After class Ryujin fell asleep "Yahh Ryujin-ahh the class has already ended" Yeji said while shaking Ryujin's shoulder lightly "Already?" Ryujin ask "Yeah you fell asleep" Yeji replied "Where's Yuna?" Ryujin ask Yeji "Oh she's with Lia they are waiting to the cafeteria" Yeji replied to Ryujin and smiled

While walking to the cafeteria someone shouted Yeji's name Yeji look an its was her friend

"Hey Yeji want to eat with us at lunch?" The girl said looking at Yeji "Uhh I'm actually busy" Yeji replied "Aww mann" the girl whine "Oh and this is Ryujin my friend an Ryujin meet H-" Yeji was cut off


"Heejin?" Ryujin said with a sad look and sad voice she didnt know what to do


My second time doing a story and sorry about the grammar English isn't my language tell me if there's a mistake I hope you guys like it :)

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