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"What!? Kakashi?!"said sasuke in shock
"What does it have to do with Kakashi again!"though sauske
"Sasuke-kun you must be mistaken..."said Naruto as he made an sad impression
"What!?! No it's not a mistake I really liked you! Not like but love! I wanna spend  my life with you! Your the one I want Naruko"said sasuke as he explains
"I dont wanna disappoint you so sasuke please let's just be normal again like the old days we where like brother and sister"said Naruto
"I don't see you as a sister and I never will! And what do you mean by disappoint!?"ask sasuke
"The truth is...I'm a guy"said Naruto as he turn back to his original form shocking sasuke and space out
"What..."said sasuke
"The truth is I'm a guy sasuke-kun...i never had a younger brother and i was never a girl so the person you loved does not exist"said Naruto
"Why!? Why did you lie to me!"shouted sauske as a tear fall down
"I'm sorry sasuke-kun! It's just i just want someone to call family.."said Naruto as he tried to touch sasuke shoulder but sasuke slap his hand away
"Your a disgusting freak! Who just fool a kid your a monster!"shouted sasuke as tears began to fall out from his eyes
""said Naruto as his eye widen
"The biggest fear was hurting someone dear to me and sasuke was one of the biggest one...i really am just a freak who is playing with a kid feeling"said Naruto as he stood up
"I'm sorry sasuke-kun I'm really sorry"said Naruto
"What sorry after you've done all of it!"shouted sauske
"I'm sorry i dint mean to hurt you! I just wanted someone to love like a family a little sister or a brother because i dint hsd one so when i saw you i thought I could be a good big brother....but I guess my way of thinking was wrong!"shouted wrong
"I'm sorry it was all my selfishness I only wanted my happiness"said Naruto as he ran away from the place crying
"So the girl I knew was fake after all"said sasuke then suddenly he threw a kunei in the air
"Woah! Chill sauske"said Kakashi
"What are you doing here!?"ask sasuke in cold voice
"My my ot must be hard to find out that the one you love turn out to be a guy"said Kakashi
"It doesn't matter anymore!"said sasuke
"You know Naruto is an orphan who does not have any sibling not saw his parents and you sauske you were even lucky you saw your parents and also had a loving brother"said Kakashi
"A loving brother!?! His a bloddy! Killer and a monster who hurted me and killed my family just like that guy who hurt and played with my feelings! How am I lucky!!"shouted sasuke
"I know that Naruto did wrong by lying to you but he means no harm like he said he just wanted a family and he already knew if he introduced himself as a guy you wouldn't appreciate him nor get close to him so he decided to turn into a girl"said Kakashi
"Hahah yea his a selfish man and I'm also a fool to fal In love with someone like him"laugh sauske as he stood up
"You know ill not be surprised if you turn out gay"said Kakashi but sauske just glared at him
"I don't need your foolishness"said sauske a she left the place
"My my what a disaster"said Kakashi as he sigh

To Naruto

"You see Naruto now sauske hates you! You deserve it"thought Naruto as he took a shower
"I know sasuke wouldn't come back"said Naruto as he began to cry

To sasuke

"Naruto is crying"thought sasuke as he quietly pack his clothes
"This is it Uzumaki Naruto goodbye"said sasuke as he left the apartment

And you guys would have probably guessed it and yes! Sauske left the village and went to orochimaru and Naruto tried to go and save him at the fight at their valley

And you guys probably thinking who won? Like Naruto is older so Naruto will win right? And your right!! And sauske git 3 tomo but somehow sasuke manage to slip

"I'm sorry sauske-kun please come back!"said Naruto
"Haha after doing that to me! I would never!"said sauske
"I can't let you go now! Your something very important to me!"said Naruto as he shed some tears
"I planned on leaving the village anyways it was good that this happened"said sasuke
"Please sauske I'll do anything to make it up to you please just don't leave me"said Naruto as he hold sasuke hand but sasuke slap Naruto hand away
"You don't love me anymore because I'm a girl right!?? Okay then I'll just drink some potion so that i can be a girl!"said Naruto
"No!"said sasuke
"What...why did I saw no..I liked Naruko right? If Naruto turn into a girl forever and the one I love is Naruko right!?"thought sauske as he stared at the crying Naruto
"Did I love Naruto because he was a girl or...."thought sauske as he scream
"Sasuke-kun..."said Naruto
"I'm confused! I'm going crazy because of you!"shouted sasuke
"Why sauske-kun!?"shouted Naruto
"I want you to stay away from me! Your making my life Messier you just put more burden into my life and I hate you!"shouted sauske and sauske words broke Naruto
"Sauske-kun hates me..."thought Naruto
"Sasuke-kun! I love you!"shouted Naruto making sauske eyes wide open
"What have you finally lost it!?! We are both guys!!"laugh sasuke
"I know but when I think of those time we spend together and the thought of losing you it just doesn't seem fair for my heart you've become someone so important in my life that losing you ia like death to me"siad naruto as he cried
"Yea feel the pain!"said sauske
"And I'll do anything to make you love me again"said Naruto
"I don't care anymore whether you love me or hate me I'm leaving the village and it's final"said sauske as he stood by but his hand was grab by Naruto
"Leave me usuratonkachi"said sasuke with cold voice
"What...."said Naruto as he was never called usuratonkachi by sasuke
"I hope we never meet again"said sasuke a she walk away
"I'll get you back somehow sasuke!!"shouted Naruto but sauske just ignored him and continued to walk
"I fell dizzy"said Naruto as he fell unconscious

And ofcourse Naruto could have bought sauske back to the village but even tho the physical health is strong but the mental health is weak your still weak so Naruto got dizzy and weak from all the words sasuke spoke to him making him unconscious

This can be a disease but I don't know....

I'm in love with a guy (SASUNARU)Where stories live. Discover now