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Dear readers, both old and new, I am delighted that you have chosen to join me on this incredible journey through the pages of this cherished book. Get ready to be transported to a world filled with thrilling adventures and captivating tales as you eagerly turn each page. Your devoted attention and imaginative engagement with my words truly bring them to life, and for that, I am incredibly grateful. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions, from exhilarating highs to heart-wrenching lows, as you delve deeper into its pages. Thank you for being such enthusiastic companions on this unforgettable experience - I hope it leaves an everlasting impression on each and every one of you!


This book is filled with captivating and thought-provoking material that explores a wide range of themes. It delves into the complexities of human relationships, addressing topics such as love, desire, and societal norms. The author (which is me) fearlessly tackles sensitive subjects, including explicit language, age differences, consensual adult relationships (smut), racial stereotypes, and references to suicide. It is important to note that reader discretion is strongly recommended when engaging with this content. Additionally, please be aware that there may be occasional errors or misinterpretations in the translation, as it is done through Google Translate. I urge all readers to approach these potentially sensitive topics with caution and an open mind.

Love your Author, Abigail.

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