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An explosion. That was the most memorable thing before a portal opened and a silver haired girl walked through. A red and white cat,Radish the shifter, Was on her shoulder. "Reii! Hello,Piltover!!" The girl,Amser,Giggled. "Rawr! Let's cause some Havoc!" Radish said,Though only Amser could understand him. "Don't worry my dear playful Shapeshifting friend! There will be plenty of time for that later." Amser said with a smile. Radish purred in response.

'We should hurry. The longer we take to find mother,The longer we'll be alone.' Amataidi, amser's sensible... I guess you could say...alter ego,Said.  Amser blew a raspberry,"Your no fun!" But,She knew Amataidi was right.

Radish meowed,"How do we find her?" Amser giggled,"That's easy!" "Amser,No." Amataidi said. "Amser,Yes!" Amser exclaimed,Taking out a future version of fishbones,Her mother's shark themed rocket launcher. The silver haired girl laughed,"Out of the way piltovian's! We want a clear path to Zaun!" Enforcers approached them and she growled,"I said move it! Or the whole place Goes Ka-boom!" The crowd around them immediately went into a panic at her words.

Radish meowed,"Atleast a path is clear!" 'Amser. You're crazy.' Amataidi said. Amser smiled as she walked across the bridge towards Zaun, "Actually...I'm insane!" She cackled. Amataidi sighed,'I hope you know what you're doing.' "Of course I do!" Amser Said. 'Promise?' Amataidi rose a brow. "I wouldn't say that." Amser smiled. 'Amser! This is serious!' Amataidi scolded. Amser cackled,"I know." As she headed into Zaun....

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