Chapter 1.

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'Amser. We've been walking for hours.' Amataidi said,'Just admit we're lost.' "We're not lost!" Amser said. "Just ignore her,Amser." Radish meowed,"Your not Amataidi anymore." Amser nodded and pet him,Before looking at fish bones—The shark rocket launcher—and moving Its mouth while saying in a funny voice ^I believe in you,Amser!^. "Awe,Thanks fish bones! I'm glad I can count on you." Amser Cackled. Radish gave an amused purr as they kept walking.

"Hey. I have an idea on how to get Mama J interested in us." Amser paused,Before smirking,"anyone up for a game of chase?" 'Amser. Whatever you are thinking. It's a bad idea.' Amataidi warned. "I'm not listening to you!" Amser huffed. Amataidi sighed, "you never do." As amser hopped from the top of a building she was on,Landing in the market. Radish meowed,"whee!" And purred as he landed right beside her.

'Amser. Think about this! How are you even going to get mother to chase us?' Amataidi asked. Amser paused,"Fine. Do *You* have any better idea's?" 'Just go to the last drop. She's probably there.' "Oh yeah. Good point."Amser said,making her way to the last drop. Her wolf ears-yes,I said wolf ears- twitching to try and listen for her mother.

Amser's head suddenly turned to the right,Just as they got close to the doors. 'Amser,No. No. No squirrel!' Amataidi exclaimed. "But...But I'm hungry." Amser frowned, stomach growling as her ears drooped. 'We're busy. Mother can feed you-!' Amataidi told her. "Mama?" Amser asked. 'Yes! You wanna find her,Right?' "I wanna find mama J!" Amser Giggled. 'Just walk through the doors' Amataidi said. "Okay!" Amser barked,and walked into the last drop...

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