Chapter 2

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Everyone turned to look when they saw a child walk into the last drop with a cat on her shoulder and a smile on her face. They noticed the shark themed rocket launcher and kept their distance. Though,They all rose a brow when they heard her singing to herself...

"Wanna join me? Come and play..." Amser hopped over the counter and began rummaging through the drinks,"But I might shoot you,In the face! Bombs and bullets will... Do the trick! What we need here." She found some apple juice and happily drank it,"Is a little bit of panic,ah!" These were lyrics to Jinx's song,Get jinxed!

Amser kept singing as she went down stairs,To Jinx's workshop. She skipped down the steps and smiled when she saw a blue haired woman listening to the same song she had just been singing.

'Amser. Be sensible' Amataidi said,'Mother is unstable.' "So am I..." Amser whispered,before putting on a smile and walking towards Jinx,Who was distracted with fixing one of her explosives, Which she called her chompers.

Jinx suddenly cursed under her breath,Before speaking to someone not really there,"Yeah. I know I messed up Mylo!" "I wouldn't say that." Jinx spun in her chair to locate the new voice and was shocked to see...It wasn't a new Voice. But a child with silver The blue kind of looked like Jinx's Own.

Jinx stared at the child for a few moments..before furrowing her brows,"Who are you?!" 'Let me take over.' Amataidi said. "Back off Amataidi,It's still my turn!" Amser snapped. Jinx rose a brow. Amser smiled,"Sorry. I'm Amser. Amser Pytilo." Jinx's eyes widened,"But that's...Thats *My* last name!" "I know." Amser said. Radish meowed and Amser held her hand out,Grinning from here to ear,"Nice to meet ya Mama J."

Jinx just stared at the girl in shock. Amser didn't falter one bit,though she did talk to herself a little. It also looked like she Conversed with the cat on her shoulder as well. "Okay. Back up. Your my daughter?" Jinx asked. "Yep,sirree,Bob!" Amser wagged her tail. 'Real mature.' Amataidi stated. "Shut it." As they argued,Radish chiming in every now and then,Jinx examined Amser. The blue in her hair,the smiles, the Crazed laughter, Her eyes. It was all *hers*. The blunette gave a soft smile...

It was all *Jinx*

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