Chapter 3

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I stayed the night at the Sturniolo's house, bc they love me and I'm always welcome, ofc, and it had been situated anyway. The triplets were live on twitch playing fortnite together. I was with Chris in his room, Nick and Matt were in their rooms and they had their webcams on. I was in Chris' bed watching tiktok, not even paying attention to Chris screaming bc he was dying in fortnite. My fyp was full of random babies, and they were so adorable! I had terrible baby fever
Chris: Ly
Me: what
Chris: chat is saying you're smiling at your phone, wtf are you smiling at
Me: babies
Chris: awe shit
Me: I don't want one, they're js so cute!
Chris: chat, she's got baby fever
Me: and what about it
I turned my phone off and dropped it on his bed. I got up and stood beside him
Me: what's wrong with baby fever
Chris: nothing
Me: chat, these babies are fucking adorable
Chris: I'm sure they are
Me: their little laughs are so cute! Maybe I do want one
Chris: absolutely not
Me: I'm not ready for one! And besides, why are you so against me wanting a baby
Chris: I js don't wanna worry about a baby crying
Me: mhm
I side eyed him then went back to his bed
Chris: alright, who the fuck js said "she got a fat ass"
I laughed and continued watching tiktok
Chris: what the- chat, we weren't flirting..shut up Nick, stop laughing at me
Then I started laughing at him then he turned around
Chris: hey, you stop laughing at me too
Me: make me
Chris: um..
He turned back around
Chris: stfu Matt. You're so lucky we're live or I would totally out you he's not fucking gay. I'm talking about the other day with yk who..chill out Matt, it's not that deep..okay shut up
I totally zoned out after "okay shut up" and the only thing I could pay attention to and listen to were the baby tiktoks, but I'm not complaining, baby giggles are so adorable. After like an hour or something, I decided I would gts, and it was also 2am. Then a little while later, while I was peacefully sleeping, Chris screamed and scared the fuck out of me
Chris: FUCK
Me: Chris!
Chris: what
He turned around
Chris: oh shit, were you sleeping?
I nodded
Chris: sorry Ly
Me: bro you and Matt have a game tmrw, shouldnt the both of you gts and be rested before the game?
Chris: yeah, but I think we'll be okay
I rolled my eyes and went back to bed, and next thing I knew, my alarm was going off. I turned it off and tried to get out of bed, but Chris pulled me closer to him
Chris: don't go yet. Just a little longer
He said quietly in his sleepy voice
Me: Chris, I have to take a shower
Chris: you can spare a few minutes, can't you
Me: I have to wash my hair, and when I wash my hair, I have to double condition
Chris: I know, but please, you're comfy
I'm comfy?
Me: fine, but only 5 minutes, then I really have to get in the shower
Chris: that's fine
At school
Chris and I had all our classes together, except one, children's theatre, which I'm in as a replacement for PE, which Chris is in, bc they took it off my schedule. We sat next to each other in every class, sometimes we got separated bc we were either talking too much or laughing too loud. Today, we decided to be good..for however long that lasted at least. Matt was in our first class of the day, fucking algebra like why is our first class of the day algebra of all fucking subjects algebra had to be first, anyway, Chris and I moved our desks together, where they were once apart, and somehow the teacher didn't notice, since Chris and I were actually paying attention today and not fucking around, we were listening to the teacher and I actually had no idea what the fuck he was even teaching bc I didn't understand math as it is, why add letters, that makes it so much more confusing, I was only passing bc Matt helped me with the homework, actually, he didn't really help me, he gave me his paper and I js copied it but answered a few wrong
Teacher: everyone put your stuff away and take out your notebooks, pop quiz
Everyone groaned
Teacher: ik, ik
Me: I'm totally fucked
I whispered under my breath
Teacher: but, this is not graded, I just want to see what you know and make sure you're actually learning something
Me: fuck you
I whispered under my breath again. My leg started to bounce, Chris noticed immediately and put his hand on my knee to stop me. I looked down at his hand then up at him, he didn't look back at me, he was looking at the teacher. I looked back at the teacher
Teacher: so here's how this is gonna work. I'm going to write an equation on the board, and if you say the correct answer for the variable, you do not need to answer any more questions
Me: shit
I mumbled under my breath. Matt must've heard me and turned around
Matt: I gotchu, dw
He whispered to me
Me: omg tysmmm!
I whispered back
Matt: ofc
He turned back around
Teacher: I will be asking you to answer down the rows bc that's how I feel organized doing this. So we're gonna start with Suzie, then down to Carlos, Anna, and down this whole row then back over here to Rocky, to Sophia, to Angela, and so on
When it was my turn, Matt quickly solved it in his journal then wrote the answer on a post-it note and when the teacher looked that his phone for a second, Matt turned around and quickly gave me the post-it note
Me: and you're sure this is correct?
I whispered to him
Matt: ofc
He whispered back
Me: okay..
He turned back around and I raised my hand
Teacher: you have the answer?
Me: yes.. r=7
Teacher: correct, very good job Lyla
Me: thank you..
He erased the equation I had and put a new one
Teacher: Chris, this is your equation, take your time
I went on my phone for the rest of class and didn't pay attention to anything at all.
After children's theatre, I met up with Nick, since he was in the classroom next door, and we went to the cafeteria to meet up with Matt and Chris at our lunch table
Nick: Alanha is here today btw
Me: omg
I rolled my eyes. I do not like Alanha, idk what it is about her tho, i js don't like her for some reason. She never did anything to me, i js don't like her
(No hate to Alanha, I personally was always jealous of her so I didn't like her!)
Me: pleaseee tell me she's not sitting with us
Nick: she is..
I groaned
Me: please get her to sit with her other friends, you know I can't stand her
Nick: her friends aren't here today..
Me: omgggggg
I whined
Nick: it won't be that bad
Me: I'm gonna kms
Nick: don't say that, you've got your boyfriend-
Me: he's not exactly my boyfriend..but-
Nick: wait, wtf
He stopped walking, so did I
Me: what?
I looked where he was looking
Me: can't be..they're not..are they?
Nick: idk..
Alanha was standing behind Chris, who was sitting in his chair, hugging him and occasionally kissing his cheek while laughing. The longer I watched, I felt more upset, I almost started to cry. My eyes swelled with tears
Me: you said he had feelings for me..
Nick: bc that's what he told us..
We attempted to go up to our table, but Matt stopped us
Matt: idk wtf happened, but Chris js told me he's with with Alanha..
Me: no..
The tears started to fall and Nick put his arm around me, rubbing my shoulder
Me: there's no way, they weren't dating in algebra class this morning when his hand was on my fucking leg
Nick: um, you'll have to get into that later
Me: you guys told me that he had feelings for me too..he can't have feelings for her
Matt: he said he thinks you don't like him like that back, so he said he's trying to move on and Alanha confessed to him in gym class today so idrk what's going on
Me: I planned to tell him after the game tonight..he couldn't have waited a little while longer?
Nick: yeah he only just realized he wanted you yesterday
Matt shrugged his shoulder
Matt: I'm just as confused as you guys
Chris came up to us
Chris: hey, what's going on? Why are you crying Lyla
I felt my heart sink when he called me Lyla instead of Ly and the tears started to fall faster
Me: I can't even look at you rn
I took Nick's arm off from around me and ran out of the cafeteria and sat on the, rather dirty, floor by the lockers and just cried. I didn't care that the floor was dirty, I just couldn't stand to be around Chris.
Nick's POV
Me: what the fuck Chris
Chris: what did I do this time?
Me: you literally just realized you had feelings for her yesterday, you couldn't have waited a little longer to see if she actually does have feelings for you too?
Chris: she's my best friend, I've known her forever, it would be weird if we I took the opportunity to date the girl I've had a crush on for like half a year
Matt: but you've been in love with Lyla for 18 years and that didn't seem weird to you
Me: you have history with her, you barely know Alanha bc she was my friend before you even knew who she was. You've been in love with Lyla forever, you fucked up bad this time
Chris: why do you guys want me to be with Lyla so bad
Matt: bc she-
I covered Matt's mouth
Me: that is not our place to tell him
Matt: you're right..
Chris: tell me what? Your little secret from yesterday?
Me: yes Chris! God, you are so fucking slow!
Chris: sorry! Fucking spare me! God I'm so tired of y'all trying to set me up with her. She doesn't feel the same way, so I have to move on
Me: but we know things that you don't know bc she's afraid to tell you!
Matt: look, break things off with Alanha until at least after the game tonight
Chris: that's very specific..
Me: bc Lyla wants to talk to you about the secret after the game and it might change your mind
Chris: there's absolutely no way she feels the same way about me
Me: then maybe open your fucking eyes Chris
I walked out to find Lyla. I found her crying on the floor by someone's locker. I sat next to her and comforted her bc she really needed someone rn.
Matt's POV
Chris: what was that supposed to mean?
Me: that you're fucking blind Chris! Maybe pay more fucking attention to what's going on around you! You could loose one of the best things to have ever happened to you after this, you need to fix what you've just done
Chris: why is she so upset about me dating Alanha
Me: 1, bc she doesn't fucking like her, and 2, bc you'll find out later
Chris: why doesn't she like Alanha
Me: idk, she says there's something about her that she js doesn't like about Alanha
Chris: she usually is right when she doesn't know why she doesn't like someone..
Me: exactly! You need to break it off with her ASAP
Chris: fuck..
I heard him mumble under his breath as I started walking out to find Nick and Lyla. They were sitting on the floor by someone's locker. I sat with them on the other side of Lyla. I put my arm around her and rubbed her shoulder, she put her head on my shoulder.
Lyla's POV
Me: he doubts it for one second then goes off and starts dating the one person I hate most. Isn't that kind of hypocritical?
Nick: I really hate to say it, but yeah, it is
Me: how could he do this to me..
Matt: i js spoke to him, he seems to be realizing how much he doesn't wanna loose you
Me: it's not like he's gonna go running back to her the second he doubts something, if we even do get tg, he's gonna go running back to her
Nick: I've also noticed him smiling at his phone when he texts you or gets a notification from you, he also seems to be realizing how much he loves you
Me: isn't that great
I sarcastically responded as I rolled my eyes. Then Alanha ran past us to the bathroom crying
Me: that makes me feel a little better
Nick: Lyla!
Me: what? Her sadness brings me joy tbh
Nick: Lyla!
Me: what🙌
Nick: she's still my friend dude!
Me: do I care? Nope
I wiped my tears away
Me: my day has gotten better after seeing that, thank you
I got up and the boys got up after me. I brushed my pants of dirt that could've been on them bc I'm not walking around school with dirt on my ass
Me: my mascara is fucked up, isn't it?
Nick: it's not too bad, it's just run a little, but other than that, your lashes by themselves look good still
Me: oh thank god. Well, I'm gonna go to the bathroom to wipe off the smudged mascara then go eat lunch
Nick: I can wait outside the bathroom for you
Matt: I'm down to wait for you too
Me: no, it's okay, you guys go eat
Nick: alright
He walked off and Matt followed. I went in the bathroom, took a makeup wipe out of my backpack and started cleaning up my mascara. Once I was finished, I turned around after hearing one of the stall doors open : Alanha. When she saw me, I saw fury grow in her eyes
Alanha: it was all your fault!
Me: I'm sorry?
I shrugged my shoulders
Alanha: what have I ever done to you? For you to treat me like this?
Me: I literally don't ever talk to you, and I don't remember asking you if you wanted to talk
Alanha: I was always so nice to you, why are you such a bitch?
Me: I js never liked you. I find you kind of annoying and I js get a vibe from you that I do not want to be associated with
Alanha: then you could've just told me and I would've never spoken to you. You didn't have to make my boyfriend dump me after an hour and a half
Me: damn an hour and a half is crazy. But I don't think it was my fault making him dump you
Alanha: he said he has stronger feelings for you and he wants to see where things go with you
Me: yeah bc we've been in love with each other for like..ever
I turned around and started to walk out
Me: bye
She followed me and jumped on my back and started pulling at my hair
Everyone came running out of the cafeteria to see what was happening : me running around and Alanha on my back pulling me hair!
She started punching my head
I threw her off me, she tried to catch herself and land on her feet, but she tripped and started walking backwards into the wall as I dropped my backpack on the floor
Me: do not fuck with me
The triplets pushed through the crowd as Alanha came charging back at me and started punching me again. I slapped her across the face and she js stared at me, more tears filling her eyes
Me: aww, did that hurt?
I saw teasingly
Alanha: FUCK YOU
She started pulling at my hair again and I started punching her as the resource officer and a teacher pulled us apart and the principal came running
Principal: profane language is not allowed here, I know the both of you know that! Both of you, my office, now!
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my backpack
Me: can I at least grab food first, I haven't eaten all day
Principal: you should've thought of that before fighting another student
Me: I walked out of the bathroom and she jumped on my back. And started pulling my hair. And all because of a boy! Literally check the cameras
Principal: we'll check the cameras in my office together
I rolled my eyes again and started heading to her office
Chris: Ly..wait a sec
I turned around
Me: what?
Chris: I want to-
Principal: no Chris, go back to lunch
Chris walked up to me, completely blowing off the principal
Chris: I'm sorry about what you walked in on earlier
Me: it's fine, idc
Principal: Chris, I told you to go back to lunch, Lyla, I told you to go to my office
I rolled my eyes
Me: just text me or we can meet outside after school or something, I can't rn
I turned around and made my way to the principal's office. Alanha and I js sat in her office as she got everyone back in the cafeteria
Alanha: this would've never happened if you would've just been happy for Chris
Me: or this would've never happened if you didn't jump on my back and start pulling my hair!
Alanha: do you really wanna go for a round 2 rn?
I started putting my hair up
Me: I'm down
Alanha: oh honey, no need to put your hair up, I'll rip your whole wig off
Me: wig? Babe, this is my real hair, unlike yours, which is all extensions
She stood up
Alanha: extensions?!
Me: I'll rip em out for you
I smiled slyly as the principal walked in
Principal: Alanha, sit down!
She rolled her eyes and sat down. The principal went to her desk and sat in her chair
Principal: now girls, what happened, Alanha, you first
I scoffed and rolled my eyes
Alanha: she made my boyfriend break up with me bc she likes him. And I was crying in the bathroom and she was bullying me, saying I was so ugly that my boyfriend didn't even want me-
Me: oh please, you dated for an hour and a half
Principal: Lyla, I asked Alanha
Me: wow
I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs
Alanha: but I think I'm very beautiful. I asked her why she couldn't just be happy for her best friend, who was my boyfriend, and she said "bc he's not happy, cry me a river" and she walked out and I js had to defend myself
Principal: okay, now you Lyla
Me: what actually happened, was I walked into the cafeteria to see her kissing my best friend who I've been in love with literally my whole life, and I was totally crushed when I found out they were dating bc I had planned to confess my feelings for him after his lax game tonight, I had it all planned out with his brothers. Anyway, I ran out of the cafeteria crying and when she ran by me crying to the bathroom, I felt better all of a sudden so I went to the bathroom to fix my mascara and wipe off whatever was messed up. Then as I was leaving, she started talking to me when I did not want to converse with her. I'll admit, I was a little harsh to her, but I never told her to "cry me a river" the rudest thing I said to her was that she had a vibe that I didn't want to be associated with and that I didn't like her. So I walked out and she jumps on my back and starts pulling my hair
Principal: was anyone else in the bathroom during your conversation
Me: idk
Alanha: Brittney..
Principal: which Brittney?
Alanha: Brittney Walsh
The principal called her down and Brittney told her what she heard
Brittney: I was going to the bathroom and Alanha ran in crying and went in the stall beside me. I finished my business and went to wash my hand and Alanha came out of the stall and told Lyla that something was her fault and they started going back and forth. "Sorry?" "What have I done to you for you to treat me like this?" "I don't talk to you, and I don't remember asking if you wanted to talk" "I was nice to you, you've always been a bitch" "I js never liked you. You have this vibe I don't want to be associated with" "you could've told me and I would've left you alone. You didn't have to get my bf to dump me after and hour and a half" "damn, and hour and a half is crazy. I don't think him dumping you was my fault tho" "he said he had stronger feelings for you and wanted to see where they lead" "yeah, well we've been in love with each other for like- ever. Bye" then I heard like a growl then there was shouting and..yeah
Principal: okay, thank you Brittney, you may go back to class
Brittney nodded her head and went back to class
Principal: I've heard all I've needed to hear. Alanha, I'm going to have to suspend you, Lyla, I'm going to give you a lunch detention tomorrow for bruising her face, but for now you may go back to class
I grabbed my backpack and got up
Me: thanks, bye
I rolled my eyes and went to the spot by the gym where Chris and I would meet up to talk during the school day sometimes and I texted him

Im in love with  you, you idiot! -Christopher Owen SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now