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Introducing Actor AU Magnolia (Millie)

An 25 year old woman who holds sass, class, and a whole lotta ass! She's an famous celebrity and model in the industry, known for her good looks and charms. She's highly labeled as an sex symbol, nearly under the same as Marilyn Monroe.

You may see her with her body guard, "Mordecai", who she refers to as Muffin, sitting on his shoulders. She'll either be relaxing on her phone, or eating an nice bowl of takeout! He's the only human she'll allow to let pick her up.

She truly is an sweetheart, a huge one at that, but she is an sneaky and cheeky woman, always great at outsmarting someone with her beauty to advantage

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She truly is an sweetheart, a huge one at that, but she is an sneaky and cheeky woman, always great at outsmarting someone with her beauty to advantage. She's highly aware that she's attractive and naturally alluring..

Don't let those dimples fool you, one cute look and you'll be gushing! (She's often compared to Dot Warner for her cutesy personality) However, she can be a whole different person when you get her upset, especially if it deals with Wally
If you plan to mess with any of her friends, just prepare for a door heading for your dome, or even an simple broken body part. You'd be lucky enough if it isn't an coma.
She may be 2'7, but this girls got spunk! She loves to show off, but never to ignorance. She's an natural flirt, who loves kids dearly and always loves the chance to interact with anyone who's an fan of her


Growing up, it was always her and her little brother "Mark." Her parents were sadly busy, and one day in particular got into an accident, leaving the poor 16 year old girl to raise him on her own. Challenging having to balance both school and an "brother" of her own, she dealt with a lot of stress including financially. It wasn't until she reached college, where to the gods above she was able to graduate.

Around the early ages of her 20's, she found an couple jobs however they never paid her the best, or treated her with respect leaving her to quit multiple jobs. She either didn't get an certain job, or she quit due to the actions of it. It wasn't until she was stopped by an man who complimented her on her appearance and told her to come to his store to model. She was hesitant, but took in the offer. Ever since then, that was the day she became an model.

Her modeling career blew up, and soon transformed into fashion gigs, to maganizes, to television shows, to music. Her name was heard everywhere in the world. With modeling, came a lot of problems in her career however, especially with the humans. Many would cat-call, behave inappropriately, it wasn't until one day an human tried to assault her that pushed her to the edge. That incident in particular changed her view on humans, being very weary and disliking the way they treat puppets. She hated the way humans talked about them, and then the next second thirsted over her maganizes. When it comes to being touched so suddenly, she's very jumpy and quickly to toss you over her shoulder. The incident bugged her so much, she dislikes bringing up her reasoning for it. She's willing to touch people, however when it comes to touching her she has to get used to it.

Thankfully, this incident also would be the reason why she was introduced to Mordecai. First meeting him, she was intimated by his presence and build, the two not interacting much besides her asking him a few questions on the job. Overtime, she became more comfortable with him, and now their like best friends.

A day that would change her life was when she gotten an call from one of her producers stating they needed her to play in an show. That show would happen to be "Welcome Home," which she gladly agreed too. Since then, she's been moving forward in her life.


First meeting Wally, the two had an very sweet and quick bonding relationship, however one sided (romantically) on Wally's end because she so happens to be his celebrity crush. Magnolia was unaware of his clear feelings for her. He would purposely leave small presents at her dressing room, especially leaving her favorites "chocolate roses." She didn't know who was leaving them, even going to ask him about it, only to have an sweaty red-faced and stuttery puppet denying anything. She found out eventually from one of the crew members who saw Wally leaving the gifts. She confronted him about it, resulted in an little back and forth between the two, but after getting tired of all the denying she just shuts him up with an kiss.

Now, ever since then, The two are in an boyfriend and girlfriend relationship! Wally treats her like an absolute princess, and sweetheart. The twos relationship is very popular over the world. He loves any opportunity he has to spoil her with anything expensive in his pocket, even to the point where she tells him she came have it. He actually got her the neck scarf to match his, and the necklace she's wearing. She has many more, like rings, earrings, but she doesn't wear them a lot to avoid them going missing. They were both private with their relationship at first, not wanting to tell anybody yet. (Everybody knew.) This lead to little sneaking the girlfriend into the dressing room, holding hands under the table, quick kisses when nobody was looking.

When it comes to interviews, she's very shy and has bad anxiety in front of large crowds, so usually Wally has to always be with her for comfort whenever it's holding her hand or giving her an reassuring thigh squeeze. The two are affectionate and care deeply for one another.

Magnolia is aware of Wally's temper with the staff, sometimes having to be the one to calm him down. In fact, she's the first that everyone goes to if Wally is upset. Just a simple kiss, or cuddling does the trick. Including pet names, which happens to be her favorite since she knows it gets him all flustered and embarrassed. She wasnt unaware before, Eddie was actually the one to tell her about it. Of course being the nervous girlfriend she was asked him about it. "Hon, I heard from Eddie about what was happening with (name)." "Oh no Honey, it's nothing love! I got everything situated.."

Let's just say after that incident, Eddie and Wally had an stern talking.


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