The Family

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We call ourselves the family. That's Me, Nick , There's Dom, letty, Brian, Brian's son, Mia, Roman, haun, Tej, and we have other people that have fallen... We are back in L.A. After we took down Owen shaw. With hobs. We all love cars. My car is 1970 Charger with the color of grey. It's FAST. We're done with the jobs, The guns, And most of all... the death... At least that's what we all thought... I heard Mia yell to Dom from inside the house. "There's a package out here" I say looking down at the package. "WERES it from?" Dom says walking towards me. "Tokyo..." I say. All of a sudden doms phone rings and I walk down to my charger down at the other side of the street. I can hear this from the phone when I'm walking away. "Dominic toretto.. You don't know me... You're about to.." Some one says from the phone. I'm now across the street sitting on the hood of my charger when Dom looks inside the house. He then runs forward and grans Mia and pulls her down to the side walk. Before I even know what it is the package explodes. Then it blows up the house. A bomb or somthing must've been in that package. I fall back ward off the hood of my car from the blast of the explosion. The house is now engulfed in flames and Mia's screaming running to Brian. Mia is the mom of Brian's son. So basically what I'm saying is there in love.. Mia is crying hugging her son and Brian while Brian is trying to calm Mia down. Dom is standing there looking at the house. I walk over to him while people fill the side walks seeing what happened. "What was that???" I ask dom. He doesn't reply, he just stands there. Letty runs over and hugs dom. Letty is doms wife.. I think.. I've never heard the whole story about them. "I'm having my suspicions" Dom says. "We should see hobs about this... We're all standing Infront of the house wondering if this was a accident... Or if this was on purpose...

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