Chapter 2. The start of somthing new

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I'm driving my charger following Dom in his road runner. We pull into the hospital and park our cars. "why would hobs be here?" I ask. "We're about to find out.." Dom says as we walk into the hospital. We walk into a room and hobs is sitting there in a bed with a big Cast in his arm. "What happned to you cop?" Dom says to hobs. hobs pulls out a paper and puts it Infront of us. "this should explain" Hobs says. I look at the paper and I recognize that last name right away... its a sibling of Owen Shaw. "Another shaw?" Dom asks. "Kinda... Remember Owen shaw? This is his big bad brother... Before I ended up in a cast he was hacking my computer at the station... he was looking at the file of haun..." Hobs says. "Yeah... We just heard he had been killed in Tokyo on the way here.." Dom says. "so what does this guy want then?" I ask. "He's obviously wanting to start a fight he can't win.." Dom says.

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