Pre-Kira Timeline {1929-1975}

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MAY 1, 1929 

Quillish a.k.a Quill Wammy is born. His mother dies of childbirth.

MAY 10, 1929

Quill's father places his son on the doorstep of a house and rings the doorbell before leaving. A young couple answers it and takes care of Quill. Quill's father commits suicide soon after by driving his truck into a river. 

APRIL 29, 1935

Roger Ruvie is born. 

MARCH 24, 1942

Naiya is born. 


Quill marries his high school sweetheart, Ella after they both graduate high school. 


Ella gives birth to a healthy baby girl naming her after Quill's favorite Disney Princess, Snow White. 

MARCH 1950

Ella gives birth to another baby girl and gives her the name Cinderella after her favorite princess. 

MARCH 30, 1950

Bud (Christy's Father) is born.

MAY 5, 1951

Tabitha (Christy's mother) is born.

JUNE 1951

Ella gives birth to a baby boy and gives him the name Mickey after the character Mickey Mouse.

 JULY 12, 1951

Soichiro Yagami is born to Sayuri and Naoya Yagami in the Kanto Region of Japan.


Ella gives birth to another baby boy and gives him the name Peter after Peter Pan. 


Tsugumi Amane is born in Kyoto, Japan.


Ella, Snow White, Cinderella, Mickey, and Peter Wammy decide to deliver some peaches to Quill. However, Ella has some trouble with the car, and they collide with a big truck. Both the truck and Ella's car explode killing everyone in it. Quill finds out about the accident feeling bad for the people who were in it. However, it hits him like a brick when he finds out that his wife and children were killed in the accident along with the truck driver as well. 

MARCH 31, 1957

Takeshi Ooi is born.


Tired of being depressed, Quill gets himself and starts going to college. There he meets Roger and they become close friends. 

OCTOBER 10, 1958

Sachiko Yagami is born in Seattle, Washington to Margaret and Taeko Tanaka.

DECEMBER 10, 1958

Roger marries his first wife.

DECEMBER 19, 1958

Eiichi Takahashi is born.


Quill and Roger become partners. They built an orphanage together in Winchester, UK known as the Wammy House. They take in children from all races despite the segregation and racist conflicts back in the time.

JANUARY 6, 1961

Anthony Carter a.k.a Commander Rester is born.

MAY 1961

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