When You Introduced Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend

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Zep Hindle:

You are now giggling as you are bringing Dan Sugarman to your dad's job as Zep smiled at you and look at Dan Sugarman.

"Y/N, is that your boyfriend?" Zep asked

"Yes. Dan you know Zep." You smiled

"Nice to see you again and yes I am dating your daughter." Dan Sugarman said

"Treat her like a queen." Zep said

"Your daughter Y/N is in my capable hands." Dan Sugarman said

You smiled as your dad approved the relationship with Dan Sugarman.


You are now outside of the portal with the love of your life Albert Shervington as he is now 19 years old as he have a muscular body with some nice jeans and an Avenged Sevenfold shirt. He came over as the portal opened as you bring him inside.

"Dad where are you?" You asked

Your dad appeared and see Albert and let out a soft purr as he gave Albert a note which reads:

"Treat my daughter with respect OR ELSE!"

"Don't worry Telos, she is in my capable killer hands." Albert said

Your dad nodded as your dad approved the relationship with you and Albert.

Pyramid Head:

You are now at the apartment with your dad, finishing for killing the victim as your dog D/N is finished eating until you heard the door knocked. You went over to the door as you see your lover who is a girl who is around 19 years old with a Silent Hill shirt, black gothic skirt and a tattoo which is a black rose. You opened the door as the girl came inside with a curvy body and have hazel hair and dark blue eyes and smiled at you. Your dad came over and look at the girl with ease.

"Y/N, who is the girl with you?" Pyramid Head asked

"Dad, this is my girlfriend Marissa Sutherlin. Marissa, my dad Pyramid Head." You said

"Nice to meet you." Marissa said

Your dad shook her hand and begin to tell her to keep you protected as you smiled as Marissa understand how your dad is.

"Don't worry Pyramid Head, she will be alright with me." Marissa smiled

Your dad felt happy and patted your head as he is very happy with your relationship with you.

Mark Thorn:

You are now holding your hand with the love of your life Jonathan Scott-Taylor as your dad and grandpa came over and smile at you.

"Aww you are dating Jonathan Scott-Taylor." Mark Thorn said

"Nice to see you Mark Thorn." Jonathan Scott-Taylor smiled

"He looks really cute." Richard Thorn said

"Grandpa really?" You laughed

Your dad chuckled as he look at your boyfriend as he smiled.

"Keep my girl protected." Mark Thorn said

"I will do that Mr. Thorn." Jonathan Scott-Taylor said

You smiled that your dad approved the relationship with your boyfriend.


You and your brother are both outside at the beach at nighttime with cameras on the sand as you both are going to do the song Hoist the Colors with some help as you started to sing the first verse of the song.

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