11| The Alazi

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A woman with the elegance of a snake lay with a woman that radiated the power of gold. The golden woman held no dominance amongst the inky black sheets they lay upon, her head rested against the flat chest of the other with dependent affection. Her lover ran her chalky fingers through her elegant hair, her long lips withholding a smirk.

She looked to be a demon, with her sharp scarlet eyes and smugly set eyebrows. Her radiating white skin bore several moles, which matched the color of her glossy ebony hair. The woman could've been stunning, but her sly features and eerie gaze could make anyone shudder in disgust.

The golden woman, however, held no true fear towards her lover. Unlike the rest of the world around her, she was immune to her lover's urge of bloodlust.

"My Alazi."

The woman of disturbing beauty let her long fingers pause in the woman's hair. The corner's of her lips curled as she lowered her head, brushing her chin against her lover's ear.

"Utter my Fate."

The woman of gold parted her lips.

"When the second twin fails to rise,"

"And the poison of a reliant leaks the air,"

"The Queen of Blood shall fall at the mercy of the Aether."

Her voice was as tranquil as a dream, yet every word seemed to shake the ground as she spoke it. The sneering woman had heard her Fate several times before, yet she recoiled every time she heard it. It displeased her, with so much power on her shoulders, it didn't suit someone as proud as her.

But she knew that not much could be done, for the words of The Alazi were more powerful than the Deities themselves.

"Alazi." she hissed. "What must I do to alter my Fate?"

The woman rose upright in refinement.

"The Fate of Delphine Hallow,"

"Alters with the trust of the cheater of time,"

"And the passing of a fraud seen as a god."

Delphine scowled at that, her eyebrows narrowing in deep thought. However, it didn't take long before her train of thought ran into an irritating dead end.

"Very helpful, Alazi." she spat sarcastically. "Who am I to know who either of those individuals are?"

The golden woman remained expressionless, as well as mute. She couldn't whisper her own words, for she was merely a vessel of ancient claims. Every sentence she spoke was decided prematurely, leaving her as the mere messenger of Fate.

"Wait a minute."

Delphine sat upright abruptly and seized the woman's hand.

"Recite the Prophecy of the Aether." she demanded.

The Alazi swallowed hard before facing her lover's blazing irises.

"From the eldest and the youngest,"

"Blessed by sinners and cursed by saints,"

"Prospers a being of two lights."

"With a soul shielded by lovers,"

"And a spirit fueled by betrayers,"

"A being of all beginnings and no ends will rise."

"Born with eyes of ice and sun,"

"Unbound by the limits of time,"

"Gifted with the power of four,"

"And abilities without a mark,"

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