Tipsy (Danielle Marsh)

150 6 3

"Shouldn't t have chugged a whole bottle of soju..."

The powerful smell of tobbaco, sweat and perfume clashes in my nostril as I push through the crowd of intoxicated flesh. The loud music reverberated as lights appeared before me, I was greeted once again by the grand entrance adorned with sparkling chandeliers and a cascading waterfall, setting the stage for an atmosphere of opulence. The club's interior is a seamless blend of modern sophistication and timeless elegance, featuring plush seating arrangements, sleek bar counters, and a spacious dance floor that beckons you to let loose and dance the night away.
It was only 2 bottles... no 3... The sound of music albeit muffled, the beats resonate through my soul and every corner of the venue is bathed in mesmerizing hues. In between the flashing, the intermittent appearance of this captivating figure once again appears in my peripheral.

I squinted my eyes; harder, until her figure solidified before me.

An angel or a devil in disguise, I cannot discern.

Her allure goes beyond physical attraction, encompassing a magnetic charm that captivates all who have the privilege of encountering her.

I was unable to resist my temptation, or perhaps it was mere curiosity, before without realizing, I began closing the distance between us.

Her face is a canvas of delicate features. Her eyes, sparkling with mischief yet with a sparkle of depth and sophistication. It conveys a myriad of emotions—they are windows to her soul. They may be the colour of the deepest ocean or warmest amber, drawing me in and revealing a world of possible outcomes of our intertwined fate.

I simply lost track of time, the intensity behind my gaze made her turn around and look at me directly in the iris.

Unexpectedly, she smiled back and submerged into the crowd.

The lingering image of her hair stikes me in awe, framing her face with a touch of enchantment.

I stood there like a deer in the headlight. Slowly, the loud music returned as I was pulled back to reality.

"Who is she?" I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you say? Anyways, we are leaving soon, you want a ride?" says Hanni, the friend who invited me to go clubbing.

"I think I'll stay a little longer," I replied with my head looking towards the crowd.

"Ahhh, I see, don't forget to wear protection," she teases.

Before I could make a rebuttal she slipped through the crowd like a little bunny, slowly but surely, disappearing from my sight.

It didn't take long until I saw the mysterious lady. Perhaps fate was real, that same figure appeared next to me. I propelled my body towards her direction only to see a tall, muscular man standing next to her.
The man seems to be enjoying their one-sided conversation, while she stares at her empty glass, her charm buried beneath that stoic expression. The man, who seems to pick up on her lack of reciprocated friendliness, decided to buy her another drink only this time when she is looking around, he slips a white pill into her glass.

Without hesitation, I spoke up.

"Hey I finally found you, where have you been?"

She paused, eye browns knitted in confusion, but upon meeting my eyes, her facial features relaxed, returned lackadaisical.

I heart raced as the man across her stared at me with intensity. My instinctive thought was to grab her by her arms, but to my surprise, she held out her hand towards me.

"Sorry, I totally forgot about you," she replied to me, picking up my attempt to rescue her from this rotting conversation.

"Well, I guess thats my cue to go, anyways, thank you for the drink!"

The man glared at her but did not interrupt.

Our skins touched and there I was, holding her soft hands, the motion of our steps matching each other.

The walk felt long. We didn't talk. I didn't know her name. She didn't know mine. There we were, still holding hands, now on the rooftop which was supposedly a restricted area.

"I was waiting for you" she said, breaking the silence while the busy night of Seoul lies beneath our bodies.

Still slightly drunk, I couldn't comprehend the simplest words that came from her. Perhaps I was still digesting everything that had happened earlier. Nonetheless, she was here, right next to me. Our fingers intertwined.

"Call me Danielle." She smiled again, only this time, she's arms reach away from me.

"Nice to meet you, Danielle." I replied, reciprocating the smile.

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