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Hi there. So you've decided to divulge yourself in the story of Creation and Him. Well, that's brilliant but we've got to start at the very beginning, so you get an idea of what is going on and how it all came to be and so you don't get a little confused with everything.

So get comfortable... Done that? Good. Are you ready? Ok, then let's get started!

So let us journey back in time. A good 20 thousand years in fact, but not on Earth as you know it to be. We're heading back in time to a place many of us can only dream about! Hillsides covered in thick, richly luminescent bright green grass that pretty much just begs you to curl your toes in. Mountains of all shapes and sizes that rule the land. They might seem close to one another, but in reality, they're very far apart. Some take a good day just to get from one to the other. Tall, thick-trunked trees of all shapes and sizes with bulging, broad, different coloured leaves scattered around the island, dominating the land. Closer to the ground were bushes in all sizes and many had vicious, poisonous plants in striking displays of colours attached to them, along with stunning dazzling flowers that give off rich fragrances. Many creatures called the forests, mountains and the small assorted villages home. Even part of the coastline with engorged, towering cliffs housed things. As well as many of the small islands dotted off of the coast also housed creatures.

A vast, sweeping shadow glides overhead taking the form of a magnificently graceful, yet powerful black and green dragon. He soars effortlessly on the wind, heading for a monstrous hill, which is away from the mountains and other parts that resides near the coast, and lands elegantly, which is ironic considering his sheer bulk. Other dragons bow their heads in respect for this ancient beast; apart from just one. She didn't bow her head; just stood blending into the shadows; staring into the magic orb that she used to see the other beings of their world; a worried expression marring her features. She didn't interact with many of them, because majority deemed her an 'outcast' due to her unusual foresight. She was what was called a Dragon Seer. Powerful in her own way, and one this dragon trusted.

"Sarhsha; what do you see?" The colossal one asked, drawing her white gaze to his rich, beautiful liquidescent emerald green eyes. He stepped closer to her, the sunshine reflecting off of his magnificent body and making his eyes practically gleam. Thick black scales, with deeply creviced, battle-scared, velveteen green spines down his back. Chunks and scales were missing, which were the results from numerous bouts of fights to state his dominance and leadership. He towered over them all at a brutal 70ft high and a scary 50ft long. He also happened to be the Supreme Ruler; Dragon Lord of all and he'd held his position already for an astounding 10,000 years! And he'd earned his place the only way it was possible for them, via combat. The Supreme Ruler of all Dragons. Basically, their king. His name was Gélio.

"My Lord, we need to find something in which can stop the Evil Ones. If we don't, we will lose to them and life as we know it will end. The forces of good will be wiped out completely."
"So what do you suggest?"
"There is a fey walking around not far from here that I managed to lock onto a few days past, stumbling, bloody, confused and absolutely petrified. She also happens to be pregnant. Take the foetus, place it in the Stone Egg and it will be our salvation."
"Downside?" There was always a downside.
"In order for it to work properly, we need creatures from the forces of good and bad to sacrifice themselves. I know it is a lot to ask for, but alas that is the way in which it will only work."
"Ok, so we need to spread word about this then." Time was of the essence after all.

"Gélio, do you really think the forces of darkness would willingly sacrifice themselves for this? You know as much as I do that, they're all for wiping out the forces of light." His Dragon Soul, the love of his life, Nyhkohl, enquired from where she was flicking a lone claw into one of the small pools of scented oils Sarhsha used for whatever it was she used them for, but he did know that occasional Nyhkohl came back to their cave smelling of them – not that he complained. She was a tower of strength and beauty; a curvaceous dragon that was a striking shade of fuchsia. Her eyes were a shimmering flash of magenta. Large spines danced down her back and tail in a sharp black. She was a stark contrast to his darkness. But he wouldn't change her for anything. She was after all the light to his dark, the other half of his being, and he was hopelessly and unconditionally in love with her. He didn't shun away from that; he wasn't one to muck around with a powerful emotion such as love, and she knew it. Well should do after them being together this long.

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