Chapter 1.

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20,000 years later.
In a rural village, basking in the beautiful warmth of the setting sun, two lone bikers in leathers roared up the tarmac on gorgeous bikes of sizzling power. One was a Kawasaki Ninja Zx-14 in black with three slash marks of brutal red. The other a Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle in black and chrome. Utter taste is what they were, and they purred as a decent, expensive bike should. They pulled up short in front of the old convenience store where a group of teenagers aged 13-18 hung out lazily on the benches to the left of the building, bass music playing from a phone with an attachable speaker in the middle of them. They eyed the 'outsiders' with curiosity and a hint of weariness. The bigger of the two climbed off of his machine and removed his helmet. This caused the kids to look away quickly as they caught sight of the jagged scars crossing down the left side of his neck that resembled 3 wicked claw marks and his piercing ice cold blue eyes that took in everything.

"Back in a minute." He muttered to his companion who nodded and removed his own helmet. Placing his helmet on his bike, knowing full well that it wouldn't be stolen, he turned and disappeared into the store, immediately covered in a cool breeze from the air conditioning unit, and he certainly wasn't complaining about that. Shifting his gaze around, it was a typical store. Lino flooring, harsh lighting, shelves over stacked with all sorts. Fridges with stuff that needed to stay cool. He caught movement out the corner of his eye and turned to the counter where a small 80ish man sat on the edge of a stool reading a newspaper and tapping his foot against the floor in time to the soft ballad playing on the radio. His name badge said 'Frank'.
"Can I help ye?" He glanced up and then swiftly sat bolt upright as he got the full attention of the intense blue gaze of the scary man that didn't blink and was built up like a brick shithouse.

"Yes. Any chance you could direct me to where Lexis Blackwood lives?"
"And what will ye be needing our wee Lexis for?" His Scottish brogue was unreasonably thick, but at least he could understand him.
"She's my best friend's sister."
"That then must make ya Raven."
"Yes." He was immediately on edge. What exactly had Lexis told this puny man?
"Oo ee, she's gonna be thrilled that ya 'ere already. Ain't nufink else that wee lass done gone on about."

"What has she told you?" Let's hope it was nothing bad. Not that he was ashamed of what he'd done. He'd done it to protect millions of people after all. Not that they'd realise that, but the fact that he did so that made what he did slightly easier. Not by much, but enough.
"Just that you and Luke were, I mean, is in the army. And she told us funny stories of you 3 growing on up ta'gether before you went in the army."
"Ok, now that you know we mean her no harm or are a threat, can you give me the directions now?"
"Guaranteed. Out here, hook a left, follow the street tae edge of town, hook another left and trail the trees tae tha' end. You can't miss the house. And no need tae worry about contacting Lexis, she'll know you'd be near."

"No clue. Just has sumfink tae do wiv' tha woman she live with. Very odd fellow."
"Right. Ok then. Thanks." With the snippet of Lexis living with a peculiar woman, he left the shop.
"All ok?" His companion, his best friend of over 20 years, Luke, asked.
"Just peachy." He put his helmet back on and started up his bike. The beast immediately rumbling to life.
"Get directions?"
"Yeah. Follow me." He slammed his visor shut and sent his bike careening out the parking lot. The kids all finally moved when the men left and a few of the older ones ran inside to make sure old boy Frank was ok, so it was obvious they thought he would have caused harm to the old boy, not that they would. They weren't like that even though they knew that they were intimidating. Following Frank's directions, the men easily flowed through the town, passing bog-standard freshly painted houses with rich green, well-kept lawns. Many of which had families laughing and enjoying themselves in their front gardens with their neighbours, but they all stopped and stared as the bikes roared past.

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