Chapter 2.

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Calista awoke bright eyed and immediately aware of her surroundings considering she'd only had 2 hours sleep. She pushed her duvet aside and quickly made a beeline for her bathroom. Her bladder was screaming at her to empty. She swiftly used the facilities, washed her hands, and brushed her teeth. And looked at the state of the person staring back at her in the mirror. A quick pull of a brush through her hair and it was goodbye messy bed hair and hello glossy black locks that she tucked behind her ears. She snapped her fingers and watched as make-up appeared on her face. Black eyeliner around the edges and dark blue eyeshadow topped it all off. Dark blue and black lipstick adorned her lips. She then watched as her hair braided itself – two single braids down the side of her head, keeping it out of her face, but swept back with the rest to hang in a high ponytail. 

Simple and practical. She wasn't all for the fancy hairstyles and shit. She walked back into her bedroom and rummaged through her wardrobe. She pulled out black leather trousers and a black plain tank top. Along with a black lace bra and lace panties. She changed out of her pyjama shorts and top and put on the clean clothes, which clung to her like a second skin. And then looked around for a pair of socks as Lexis was forever sneaking a pair to wear. She found some in the back of her drawer and pulled them on too. Then she pulled on her New Rocks with the big buckles and chains, and it also had a slight heel. Ridiculously comfortable that they were and damn right sexy. She swiftly packed a bag of her essentials and headed out of her bedroom. Candles and such all disappeared as so not to cause a fire whilst she was away. Only the bare essentials remained. Like the bed with the covers and pillows stripped bare and placed neatly on bare mattress. 

Quite efficient if she did say so herself. She took one last look at her bedroom to make sure everything was as it was meant to be and then shut the door behind her. Not looking back. She walked down the hallway and stopped outside Tairen and Lexis's bedroom door. She knocked quietly and a scant moment later it opened, revealing Lexis all sleepy eyed and as she looked past her slightly, into the dark mahogany, black and red bedroom, noticed Tairen all sleepy eyed too sitting up slightly in the bed.
"Come on. Up, we're leaving in one hour. Pack everything you need. Leave nothing behind. Everything but the bare essentials I want you to take downstairs and I'll get rid of them." She didn't wait for a reply; she just turned and walked down the hall a little bit and not bothering to knock she just walked straight in, shutting the door behind her. 

Draylan was flat out in the middle of his bed, on his stomach, head slightly hidden under a pillow and duvet casually wrapped around his hips. She placed her bag down near the door and walked over to the bed. She leaned over him and then breathed slightly into his ear and his eyes shot open. He grabbed her then pinned her to the bed underneath him, knife at her throat, all within at least 5 seconds flat. It really didn't bother her that he was naked either, she'd seen him naked many times before and doubted it would be the last.
"Very good. Slowly getting there." She smirked as his eyes focused more.
"For fuck sake, Calista! I could have fucking hurt you! You know not to sneak up on me when I'm asleep!" He moved off of her, threw the knife to the other side of the bed and walked bare arse naked to a chest of drawers. She laughed as he pulled on some boxers. He was really unselfconscious about his nakedness, but for her 'modesty' he covered up.

"And where would the fun be in that? You'll get sloppy if I don't do something to train those instincts of yours. Can't forget how many times it has saved your life thanks to my 'sneaking up on you'."
"Yeah, whatever." He then pulled on jeans and a muscle shirt. Followed by socks and combats. Calista climbed off the bed and walked over to the door.
"We leave in one hour. So pack what you brought with you amongst the few remaining bits that were already here. Candles etc., bring downstairs for me to get rid of." She said and disappeared out the door.
"You're such an arsehole." He called out.
"Thank you." She peaked back in and smirked. Then disappeared again. She then moved to Luke and Raven's door and walked in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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