chap 1

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The painting, Mike was thinking about. He asked el about it, she said she had no clue, today he finally decided to confront will about it.

"Hey will?" He asked with a slight raise in his voice, he cleared his throat with a awkward cough. Will raised a eyebrow at him. "Yeah?" He said half focused. he was working on a sketch.

"Well.. I uhh was just wondering about the painting"

Will froze for a second clearly noticeable to mike, "what about it?"

"El told me she didn't know anything about dnd."

Will glanced up at his face quick at that

"And she also said she didn't commission it"

"I.. uh" will stuttered starting to get defensive

"Well.. I wanted you to be happier like a gift from her would cheer you up."

"But it wasn't FROM her." Mike said with a scoff

Wills expression changed to annoyance,

"Well atleast I was being thoughtful about it." He said with a huff

"El said the painting was for a girl you liked." He said bluntly

Will paused.


"It wasn't for a GIRL mike."

Mike tilted his head


He stood still for a second thinking.

"Oh." Mike said

"Yeah, oh." Will said shrinking into himself slightly anticipating what Mike would say

"It was for me."

Will nodded

"And somone you liked.."

Will grimaced

Mike glanced down at wills lips for a second

"I broke up with El earlier" he blurted out

Wills eyes widened
"But why?"
"I didn't have feelings for her anymore."
"Yeah, oh." Mike copied what will said earlier

They both paused
"Will, I like really, really like you. And I've been oblivious to that for a long time and I'm sorry I hurt you."

The rain fight. They both thought

"I like you to Mike, like alot." He said with a slight wheeze of shock

Mike glanced at Wills lips again but for way longer that he should've.

"Can I kiss you." He said with a hitch in his breathing
Wills eyes widened for a second but he nodded

head over heels (for you)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora