Chapter 6: Burnt Libraries

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A/N: Picture found on Pinterest. Italicized sentences are thoughts.


My wooden sword clunked off Marcy's as we dueled in the training room. She was getting better, but obviously I was still going easy on her. She tried giving me a jab in the stomach. I dodged it easily. While her momentum pushed her forward, I kicked her foot from under her, making her land with an oof on the floor. As she rolled over, regaining her senses, I held my weapon underneath her chin, and then I lifted it, making her look me in the eye holes.

"What's this, like, the 15th loss in a row?" I teased.

"Oh shut up, and it's 17th." Marcy answered lightheartedly, but I could tell she was embarrassed as her cheeks flushed.

"But on the bright side, you're learning to be more offensive! You seem to be doing well with offense and defense individually, but struggle to use both. It usually takes 2-3 weeks to master it, but you're a really fast learner. So maybe about a week then." I said, helping her up. I really hope she doesn't end up hating me, I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean any harm.


I had heard her enter, so I wasn't surprised, "What is it Olivia?"

"The King requested a meeting with the Raven." She told them. "I'm here to escort them to the throne room."

"Ooh ooh! Can I come? Please? I only meet my cadets in the afternoon, it's only 10:39 AM!" she exclaimed, trying her best to persuade Olivia.

"I see no harm in that. Come along, we don't want to keep the King waiting." The blue newt replied, spinning on her heel.

Marcy's face lit up and quickly followed her, leaving her sword on the ground.

Putting both weapons back, I caught up shortly after.

"So I was thinking, maybe you and I could find a time to test that machine? I'm positive it'll uncover new data about sal-I mean, newt brains!" Marcy rambled from ahead. I internally laugh at Olivia's slightly-dumbfounded expression of concern.

*A few moments later*

"Hey Andrias, what's up? Can you give me some info about my cadets?" Marcy asked, cheerful as always.

"I've been expecting you Raven!" Andrias's eyes widened, quickly shoving his pink reading glasses into his pocket, gaze lingering on it for a split second, before his face regained its usual cheer. "My apologies Marcy, but that will have to wait. This is a private matter between the Raven and I. Olivia, you are dismissed as well, oh and btw, am I saying it right? B-T-W?"

I gave him a thumbs up.

"Wonderful!" He beamed, continuing "Anyways, as I was saying, Olivia, I got you a new bottle of—juice. It's in the kitchen."

Olivia nodded gratefully. "Excellent, come on Master Marcy, I'll give you the information you seek about your new cadets."

Marcy trailed behind her. I could feel her questioning gaze on the back of my head, but I ignored it.

After the doors slammed shut and their footsteps faded away, I asked, "So what is it this time, or should I ask who?"

"Oh it's nothing big, I just need you to inspect a burnt library. A few have mysteriously been put up in flames and I need you to see if they were naturally caused, or more likely, because of someone, and if so, to find the culprit and get rid of them. But stay cautious, if there is in fact an enemy, they are a master in stealth and deception."


3rd person POV

Y/N woke up at midnight and start preparations. After a few stretches, they grab a leather utility belt and fasten it, and stuff it full of darts, stilettos, daggers, smoke bombs, and boom shrooms. Then they grab a sleek crossbow and satchel of arrows before heading to the stables where Onyx awaited them.

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