Part 3 (becoming famous & pool party)

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so as you read in the last part, JustAFatProtogen fell asleep after a long week of work in his bed. he dreamt about telling all his friends about the fact that he gained weight (again), and then he dreamt about getting eating more, more and more, until he's full, you know, typical fat furry stuff. then suddenly, he woke up due to the intense amount of notifications his phone was receiving.

*grunts a little* 

-god, what is this? am i getting invited to a party again or what is this all about?

after he checked what the fuss with the notifications was all about, he was schocked to find out that he has become FAMOUS!

-OH MY! WHa- how did this happen? i was just doing my job and all of a sudden i am FAMOUS? this has got to be a miracle.

he saw that his youtube account has reached 100 THOUSAND subscribers, and after he saw that he couldnt even believe his own eyes!

he rushed to open the popular instant messenging app named discord, and when it finally loaded, he told his friends bout his accomplishment: GUYS YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!

-ugh what is it? it is literally 7 in the morning what could be so important to wake us up in our precious sleep? - said Julius

-now stop being so grumpy and let me show you! *sends screenshot of his youtube channel*


-yes, but i dont know how this happened. i was dreaming the best dreams ever known to man when suddenly my phone was bombarded with a billion notifications.

-hold on... that is weird....


-why? dont keep us waiting!
-well it is because i remember that when i got my new job and gained weight over a few days, my boss congratuled me.


-aaand he told me that i was gonna get a promotion; he told me i was going to get all the food i want, no limits.

-wow that sounds amazing! but... that still doesnt explain the sudden fame you got!

-well... he did mention that i was going to get a promotion... and he did ask for my youtube channel.


-hey, so to get us to know you better, we will ask you for your social media, okay?

-yea, its ok.

-so, do you have a youtube channel or something similar?

-yes, i do, and i only have 400 subs.

-thank you. now do you ha-

*END OF FLASHBACK*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-oooh, that makes a lot of sense. - said julius

-can we just go back to our sleep now? - said faceless,(who didnt really care much about weight gain)

-oh yea sure.

*julius9000 and faceless went offline*

-well, -said JAFP- if i woke up i might as well get ready for a new day!

so he got out of bed, made the bed, went down to the kitchen, did his usual morning routine, then he decided to watch some tv while he ate his hamburger leftovers he got at McDonalds.

(OLD FETISH STORY, FINISHED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora