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I hurried over to the elevator, rushing to see all the deals for Black Friday before everything was swamped by all the people also desperate for the saved money. I pressed the button to go up and waited impatiently. 

Finally, the door opened and I stepped inside. I blinked in surprise. When did the elevator get so big? It was the size of a small bedroom, and furnished! There was a couch and armchairs, even a coffee table with refreshments. 

I could've sworn the elevator wasn't like this the last time I had visited.

After gaping for an embarrassing amount of time, I walked in and pressed a button to go to the top floor, which was surprisingly high. That's how I shopped, top to bottom. I was in the elevator for a minute or so when I realized I wasn't alone. 

There were three boys in the corner. One of them was staring threateningly at me, while the others just smirked. I caught their gaze for a second, but looked away quickly, a little creeped out.

 Then the last thing that I wanted to happen, happened. The elevator stopped. It wasn't sudden or jerky, it slowed smoothly to a stop and then didn't start back up. After a couple minutes, I walked over to the board with the buttons on it and pressed the help button.

It beeped for a second and then said in an automated voice, "Help unavailable. Please wait."

I froze. Help unavailable? How long would it take for help to be "available" again? I was not staying in an elevator with three boys that were still staring at me. I pressed the button again and this time it didn't even beep before it gave me the same message as before. I kept pressing it and it kept giving me the same message.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results," I whirled around to find that two of the boys had gotten significantly closer.

I eyed them, trying to figure out whether they were a threat to my safety at the current moment.

"I'm not really jumping at the idea of sitting in an elevator with three strangers for who knows how long!" I say to the severe looking one who had spoken earlier.

"Whoa ok, how about we all calm down and take a chill pill," said a completely different boy that I hadn't noticed before.

"Are y'all just spawning out of thin air now? Cause you were definitely not here five minutes ago," I said, really creeped out at this point.

"I've been here this whole time! Maybe you're just blind or something..." he said.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, I'm claiming the armchair over there, tell me when we can get out of here."

I sat down in the chair and pulled out my phone, expecting to spend the rest of the time stuck in here scrolling through social media. But of course there was no cell service anywhere. I scrunched myself into a ball on the armchair and started to look absently into space, for lack of something better to do.

I suppose if we're going to tell this entire story, I should give you some general idea of what these four boys looked like. The first boy, the one that looked like he might murder me if I breathed out of place, looked like a salesman. He dressed nicely, his dark brown hair was perfectly combed, but not so much that he looked too done up. He had piercing gray eyes that seemed to stare right into your soul, and light skin that contrasted against his hair perfectly.

The second boy, who had been smirking at me when I stumbled my way into that elevator, was gorgeous. He had poofy, slightly curly, black hair that was tousled to make it look accidental but also purposeful at the same time. He had very tan skin and sea green eyes that drew you in the minute you saw them. He had a couple freckles over his cheeks and nose and was honestly just plain beautiful. They were all, actually, gorgeous. They looked like a bunch of real life super models.

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