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Freen's research with the clinical study was no accident it was recommended by her Personal Assistant where they found a rare case about a heart exchange which literally exchanging to hearts of two individual while some instances it broke Doctor's code of conduct as technically the other individual is already considered to be the donor while the one who receives the healthy heart was the recipient. It was a first case of an exchange with the purpose of seeing the both of the patients' reaction with the healthy and damaged heart. The first case was for the mother as the donor who willingly exchanges her healthy heart to her daughter who will receive the mother's heart. Though doctor already concluded that only one of them will survive the mother shrugged it off and continued with the project. Her reasoning would be at least even if she donates her own heart she will at least have a few months or even days to see her daughter recover. And the mother didn't hesitate to give her heart to her only daughter. Freen found the doctor who wrote the research and was involved in the said study. Though the lead doctor's license was revoked Dr. Verdejo manages to dodge the bullet as Dr. Lee took all the responsibility. The operation was a great success the recipient manage to live as just expected with the success of the operation while the donor was able to live for more or less a month first few weeks was a pure miracle no other complication shows on before the 2nd week of the operation.

Freen woke up after the operation and it amaze Dr. Aries when she receive a report that after Freen woke up she took off everything that it connected to her and change into a normal clothes as if nothing just happened. She quickly went to her room and to her surprise Freen was no longer there she knew where her new stubborn patient went and just what she suspected Freen was standing outside Becky's room with Becky's parents and her Aunt Fei. "How was the operation?" she heard Freen asked "It was successful the donor's heart was a perfect match to Becky we are just waiting for her to wake up. They kept her in ICU for a close observation but Dr. Verdejo said that the heart was a perfect match almost as if it was her own. Once she wakes up she will be transferred back to her room" Becky's Mom said Freen smiles 'Of course my heart is owned by no one else except her' the latter thought satisfied that the operation was a success. "Where did you go you look tired?" Aunt Fei asked after she pull Freen and check her from head to toe "Your shirt is not even iron properly. Did you already eat?" she added Freen smile and nod "Don't worry Aunt Fei I'm fine just in a hurry didn't realize my shirt was this wrinkled"

That is when Freen was called by Dr. Verdejo "I have to discuss something with you" she stated Freen nod and follow her to her office "I will not accept any payment from you. Nor protection from this if ever this blow up and authorities manage to know about this I will take full responsibility" Dr. Aries stated "Why?" Freen asked Aries smiled and mentioned "You love her don't you? And that motivates you to do this whole thing. Despite that you wanted to give your heart to her you also wanted to see her live a normal life. You and Michaela have the same reason and motivation but I fail to protect them I was a coward and let Dr. Lee took all the responsibility when I was the person who propose the idea to them. It was me who pushed the idea to them and Michaela agreed in exchange of seeing their only daughter live." Aries added "I promise to do everything in my power to save you both this time I will take full responsibility" she stated. "You actually don't need to worry about that Aries I know the whole story she was your best friend too right? And you also fell for her but she marries your colleague Dr. Lee you feel guilty since you cannot save the woman you fell in love with. I know you are being eaten by guilt but I already accept my fate I don't care if I only have few months, weeks or even days as long as Becky is alive and well I wouldn't ask for more" Freen stated "You don't need to feel guilty about it I'm sure Ms. Michaela was able to make peace with you, you manage to save their daughter even if it cost her, her life she wouldn't mind" she added. Aries went silent and a single tear escape she felt a hand caress on her shoulder Freen smile and said "That's just show you love her with all your heart too. And though you both didn't have the closure you've been yearning for years she will be forever be grateful with how you help them save their daughter" That is when Aries let her weakness shows and cried in front of Freen. "I would be forever in debt with their family. I don't think I would be able to live if the person who makes me the happiest wouldn't even have the chance to experience life. That is my motivation Dr. Aries she make me feel alive I don't think I would be able to continue my life if I wouldn't be able to save her" Freen stated "Loving her was understatement. I am willing to do everything to keep her happy and healthy" she added "We can still include you to the list of recipient a heart transplant can save you Freen I'll do my best to look for your donor" Aries added Freen smile and said "I don't think a heart transplant would be necessary. What I care about the most would be Becky's full recovery"

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