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One morning Becky happens to receive a mysterious letter from her previous doctor from her Mom after going back to their manor for spring break in college. She first guessed that it could be a wedding invitation whatsoever. She opens the letter and saw that it was addressed directly to her. Clueless on what the letter was all about she didn't hesitate and read the whole letter.

Hi Ms Rebecca,

It has been 8 years since we last saw each other Ms. ArmstrongI hope you have been the healthiest as that is one of your heart donor's greatest desire. I know I told you that I wouldn't be able to disclose the name of your donor as it was also the donor's will to keep it a secret. But I don't think that I would be able to keep it a secret anymore. This would be the a part of my last will and testament a bit weird to add you with a separate letter involved but here I am disclosing the information you wanted to know 8 years ago.

As you are aware of I was able to handle your case with Ms. Chankimha's request she manage to contact me all the way from Switzerland. I am fluttered that Ms. Chankimha recognized my ability in medicine but her request caught me by surprise. I was added to the list of Cardiologist that you Father personally picked as it was Freen's request to add me. With the request of conducting an exchanged a still questionable process in medicine as you are aware of heart donor's have qualification as well same goes with other organ donors. Though qualifications are easily attainable such as being registered organ donor other qualification required a lot of legal process. Such as donor being pronounce as brain dead to be able to donate his or her heart. Unlike other organs heart donor usually require that to be able to donate their heart.

I just wanted to also mention that Freen got this process while she was looking for one of the best Cardiologist in the country that prioritized health more than anything. But this case was different, far more different from other methods use to save patients with the same case as you are. The main goal for the exchange was to be alive even for just a little time to be able to see the recipient's progress. I applaud Freen's courage in taking this big step. Ms. Rebecca Armstrong the person who owned the heart that you have was none other than your best friend Ms. Freen Chankimha.

She proposed a deal to me that I couldn't just ignore, it's not about the amount of money she offered but how she begged and desperately wanted to save your life. "I would be forever in debt with their family. I don't think I would be able to live if the person who makes me the happiest wouldn't even have the chance to experience life" I wouldn't forget how her eyes shows so much power in conveying that she will do whatever it takes just to save your life. And that is one of the reason I agreed with the procedure.

On October 13, 20XX at exactly 12:58 AM we started the operation, me along with other Cardiologist manage to switch both of your hearts. My team was delighted when we manage to successfully restart Freen's heart on your body same goes with your heart on Freen's body. It was a miracle for Freen to survive almost a few months having your almost deteriorating heart it was beyond our expertise how she manages to survive for that long. She manages to celebrate your birthday as well as holidays with you while also fighting for her own life. I got the news of her passing a little too late. I was also pursuing her in thinking of having another heart transplant to be able to live normally. But every time I offer she would have the same decision. I know how I'm 8 years late to tell you the truth but I don't think I could keep this secret to my grave. I hope this letter found its way to you for me to be able to rest easy that you already know the truth. I understand that you might feel confused or even mad at yourself for not noticing but I commend how great of an actress Freen in hiding how her body is falling apart while taking care of other's without them noticing how she also needed help. Every one of us was fooled as well I happen to found out about it was but I was already too late. Her last wishes were to see you reached your dream in becoming the most remarkable lawyer and I see that her wishes came true. This letter was intended to let you know the truth not to distract you into anything else. You are amazing and I'm sure Freen is proudest to see you reach your goal.

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