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"Nice to meet you Sunghoon"
"Cant say the same to you."
"You bumped into me remember??"

Sunghoon felt a sharp pain in the stomach, Jake immediately went to him.

"Hey whats wrong?"
"Nothing im ok."
"You dont look ok im not stupid you know."

"Jake why are you like this?"
"Like what?"
"You dont hesitate to help people."
"Well being kind is free and i help them because i know how hard it is to be in those situations."
He's so kind adds to his cuteness, wait what a im saying?

"So how did you end up like that"
"Like what?"
"I mean how did you get injured?"
"Oh its nothing."
"Come on like i said im not stupid."
"Fine i got beat up."
"By who? Who did it??"
"Do happen to know Lee Heeseung?"

"Why did he do that??"
"He's been picking on me for past 10 months"
"Something about a break up or something he's been taking his anger out on me."
Break up?
"How dare He i promise you it will never happen again."

Soooo caring and Cute.

Hellooooo how you been doing?
I said sullyoon is gonna be in this chapter but i delayed because i was a bit busy anyways,

Have a great day ☺️❤️

- Lanxe

Right where you left me. [Heejake Au]Where stories live. Discover now