The Dreadful Night on the Titanic

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(Serena's POV)

Everything happened in a huge blur. The frantic knock on my chamber door, just as I was about to get into bed. My fiance, Ash, putting a life jacket on me before grabbing my hand and running out into the hallway. He pulled me all the way onto the deck. It was freezing cold, my light beige nightgown flowing as the wind blew. The huge crowd of people, it seemed as if all 2,000 people had gathered on the deck for some odd reason. I couldn't understand what was happening, "Ash, what's wrong?" I managed to say, worry clear in my voice. He didn't seem to have heard me, he seemed too busy trying to look over the crowd at something. I pulled on his hand, trying to catch his attention. "Ash-" He cut me off."Come on, we have to get going!" He semi-screamed from the loud noise, produced by the huge crowd. His grip on my hand tightened, I wanted to tell him to stop pushing and shoving, and to tell me what was happening. I had forgotten that I had a life jacket on, but the sight of so many people with life jackets made my bundle of nerves grow even more. Then I saw a little girl..

(Ash's POV)

People screaming, women holding their crying babies, men helping board children and women on safe boats, as I tightened my grip of Serena's hand for what seemed like the third time. She looked at me with worried eyes, those beautiful blue eyes of hers. I tightened my grip on her to assure her everything was going to be fine. She took a deep breath before nodding and grabbing my hand. I looked around noticing how panicked people ran around the deck not sure what to do. Suddenly, Serena let go of my hand and disappeared into the crowd."Hey, Serena!" I screamed at her while pushing through the crowd. I pushed and struggled to get pass through the mass of people, it was hard to see, since the light the ship produced was to the minimum. Thankfully I found her, kneeled down in front of a small little girl. "Serena you scared me." I let go of a deep sigh. She didn't even look up at me as he quietly talked to the girl. I just stared at them until Serena finally looked back up at me. "She said she lost her mum." She explained, while taking hold of the little girls hand. The little girl didn't have a life jacket, which was a bit worrisome, her dark brown hair was let loose and her nightgown was a light sky blue. She was obviously first class, her parents probably had some type of important business in New York, but why would she lose them. This is a huge ship, they should have kept a close eye on the poor child, especially if we're heading to a big city like New York, it's dangerous if she is not being supervised. I kneaded down in front of her meeting dark almost black eyes. "What's your name?" Was the first thing I asked her. It was the most important thing to know about her, if we wanted to get the girl back to her family.The young girl twiddled her fingers and looked down at her shoes. "O-Olie..Olie Rosse" She muttered. Her hair blowing onto her face as a cold wip of air passed by. "Ash, I think it's time you tell me everything down to the last detail," Serena blurted. She seemed worried and mad, I knew I had to tell her. Even if I knew it would scare her. "Okay, I'll tell you." I consented. Taking a deep breath I stood up, grabbed Serena's hand and started to walk towards the small life boats. "Apparently the ship hit an iceberg which gummed up the works and allowed water to enter the bottom of the ship. As we speak, it's said that around 400 tons of water is being taken in the by the huge ship every minute." Serena's eyes widened in fear, I was expecting that, but that didn't mean I liked the sight of the fear inside of her. Looking down at Olie she seemed fairly calm for receiving that type of information. I didn't want to get any questions, so as to not encounter them I pulled on Serena's hand and led us through the huge crowd of people. As we got closer to where women and children were being boarded onto life boats, the sound of men yelling could be clearly heard even through the commotion. "How can this ship be considered safe when there are only enough lifeboats for half of the passengers?!" I used this this commotion to get Serena and Olie on a lifeboat. They both got on, Serena giving Olie her life jacket, I didn't want to leave Serena alone, but it's better than letting her stay with me.

(Olie's POV)

As I got on the lifeboat, with Serena, I couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in my chest. Why couldn't Ash come with us, Serena looks so sad. She looked at me, her eyes full of sorrow. She mouthed a 'sorry' before getting up and jumping out of the lifeboat and back onto the ship. Tumbling Ash over as she landed ontop of him, the lifeboat lowering, I was glad they were together, but hoped that they could make it on a lifeboat. The man who rowed the boat seemed emotionless, he rowed without stop until we were pretty far from the ship. We spent what seemed like hours just floating, I wanted to go to sleep but just as I was going to close my eyes, a women on the lifeboat mumbled, "I-It's sinking...." Everyone stayed quiet, as we all turned to watch the huge boat dive into the ocean. We all had our backs against the wall, not being able to help the people on the ship. The screams filled the air, even us, with the long distance from where the ship sank, could perfectly hear the yelling pains of the people in the cold water.I just sat there, along with the rest of the women and children, as the screams faded. I guess I was so shocked that I didn't really notice when someone picked me up and helped me get onboard a huge ship. The ride to New York was full of sadness, I didn't feel like talking. I turned around to read the writing on the ship, it read, The Carpathia. Not even when I heard my name get called when I got off the ship. I found warm arms wrapped around me, I knew right away that those warm arms belonged to my mum. She seemed so happy when she looked up at me, but her smile soon faded as she asked me quietly, "What's wrong, honey?" I didn't want to talk, but gathered up my will and I spoke up."Serena and Ash..."I couldn't really manage to say any more. My mum nodded as if she knew what I was talking about."Okay then, let's go ask for them." She smiled, grabbing my hand before leading the way to a young man with a clipboard."I'm sorry miss but without the last names I can't really help you. Now if you excuse me, I need to register the remaining people." The man politely stated, after my mum asked him. At this point, I wish i knew their last names. Even if I found my parents, I never found out if Serena and Ash lived. I hope they're okay, at least, I hope they're together.


Can you believe I got 100% on this thing?!
I had to write this in English as a Historical Fiction assignment. It sucks and I didn't put much effort into it xD
Hope you guys got a bit of knowledge out of that, yes I had to search up facts so the facts here are true.
Reason for sharing reason :)

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