vs tera shiny bisharp

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During after school over, twilight and night glider walking on the sidewalk together going to find wild tera Pokemon somewhere in the city or neighborhood, night glider look at twilight with warm smile and said, "you got any hobbies." Twilight replied, "doing yoga in every Saturday, painting, playing video games,  and making comic books." She little surprise about her hobbies and said with polite, "really that's cool."

Twilight: "there's one important in my hobby is taking hike through the woods far from canterlot city."

Night glider: "that's good twi, let's go hiking together probably Saturday at 11:15 am."

Twilight: "sounds good."

Then suddenly twilight's rotom phone fly from right pocket and stop in front of them at 2½ feet away from begins to speak with buck Strickland voice, "an wild tera Pokemon has been spotted at the park, sweetheart." They're surprised about wild tera Pokemon has been at the parked for twilight go catch it as wild tera Pokemon catcher, they started running towards the park soon as possible.

In a hour later, they arrived at the park begins wondered around to find wild tera Pokemon somewhere in the park for a moment when they spotted wild tera Pokemon standing in front of playground to reveal shiny bisharp.

When he turned around at them with cold stare as twilight said to rotom phone, "who's that Pokemon?"

Pokedex: "bisharp, sword blade Pokemon, dark and steel type, and evolve form of pawniard: bisharp mercilessly cuts its opponents to pieces with the sharp blades covering up it's body. It will do anything to win."

After information over, on cue for tera shards rose from up the ground to absorb shiny bisharp in a second and broke into pieces to reveal terastallzied shiny bisharp with rock type tera shards crown on top of his head begins power up with energy and twilight pulled out Pokeball on her hand and begins toss it in the air to call out her Pokemon.

Twilight: "come out, eyasail!"

Eyasail come out from Pokeball to outside having stare down against terastallzied shiny bisharp while behind them at 5 feet away, when shiny bisharp got huge sweatdrop on his forehead because rock and ground type weaknesses to water type as twilight called out attack for eyasail, "use water gun!" He open his mouth to fire medium amount of water straight to terastallzied shiny bisharp with direct hit and cause heavily critical damage make shards broke for bisharp return to normal with dizzy. Twilight got another Pokeball on her hand and begins throw straight to dizzy shiny bisharp for a second and stop in front of him begins captured him to went inside Pokeball who falling on the ground perfectly started locked it up.

Twilight: "alright I caught shiny bisharp."

Rotom phone: "yee-haw."

Night glider: "way to go babe."

Meanwhile at school board building with superintendent neighsay and other school board staffs are happy about agents coming home from the war against zero empire tomorrow.

Schoolboard staff #1: "so long zero empire. Nice knowing ya."

Schoolboard staff #2: "you said it buddy, woo."

Schoolboard staff #3: "don't mess with us and section alliances."

[New chapter is out for today]

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