Chapter 1

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Enid didn't want to have to stream today, regardless of any previous promise. She had barely slept a wink last night, had failed to drink if at all any water in the past few days, and her nose was stuffed. Being a werewolf, you'd think maybe she'd be less susceptible to getting sick and/or having allergies but no, of course not, life just hated her like that. She also hated having a set schedule, it's why she started streaming in the first place instead of having a, "real job," like her mother constantly says. She loved being spontaneous, it was one of the many things that made Enid, well, Enid.

In her defense, it was only an afterthought promise, given to her viewers during a small tournament she was playing in. If she remembers correctly, she had promised to do a special, 'Ask me anything,' stream if she won. Against all odds (and her expectations), she did in fact win, therefore forcing her to fulfill her promise to her viewers. She did love her viewers, almost above anything else, as they were one of the few things that legitimately made the blonde happy.

Them, and her roommate.

Her roommate, Wednesday Addams. They'd met in highschool, Wednesday had transferred midway through their junior year, after she had, supposedly, attempted to electrocute a group of teenage boys that had been bullying her younger brother. Most, after the rumor had fully made its way around, stayed far from the goth, avoiding her path as much as possible within the tiny highschool. As for Enid, it was the opposite. She found it endearing how far Wednesday had been willing to go to protect her little brother, as, maybe not in the exact same sense of electrocution, Enid would do the same for her siblings. With that, Enid made it her number one goal to befriend the goth before the year's end.

Said mission was not accomplished.

No matter what the wolf tried, Wednesday avoided her friendly advances, going as far to even switch classes (which, unbeknownst to Enid, she was forcibly put in advanced classes due to both her previous high grades and terrifying the teacher). Enid had even attempted to wear all black for a day to grab her attention, as much as it had pained her to stray from her usual rainbow-tastic outfits. Unfortunately, she gained more attention from the school counselor than anything, throughout that day she was constantly pestered, being asked if she was okay and if everything was alright at home. To be fair, everything was not alright at home, it rarely was, but to be asked as much just because she drastically changed her style was ridiculous. Well, less ridiculous now that an older Enid was legitimately thinking about it, it's good to know that someone had her back in highschool with everything going on with her family, even if it seemed like she had no one at the time.

Luckily for the blonde, in their senior year they had nearly every class together, save for advanced literature as that was Enid's especially weak point in school. With the newfound closeness, the wolf nudged her way into the goth's heart further and further each and every day, whether it be learning to appreciate Wednesday's sarcasm with her own personal touch on snarkiness or (attempting to) assist in catching prey for her many taxidermy projects. Granted, she always accidentally tore something she wasn't supposed to, as she didn't always know her own strength or the sharpness of her claws, but the taxidermist grew to appreciate her help nonetheless. While the wolf hated getting dirt under her claws, she felt Wednesday was more than worth getting her hands dirty to achieve the slight smile the dark-haired girl often gave to (only) Enid after a job well done.

Not long after, they'd gotten to the point of visiting each other's homes. Well, Enid going to Wednesday's. The blonde precariously avoided inviting the goth to her own, as her family wasn't known to be the most . . . inviting. And, her pack wasn't very fond of outsiders, so the wolf figured it was best if Wednesday rarely saw that side of her. It seemed to work, as the Addams' wholly accepted her as their own, even going out of their way to invite her to family events and outings. Enid almost always accepted, they were like a family to her, more of a family than her actual family usually was. Even after the family's acceptance of the wolf, the two had only continued to grow closer, much to the dismay of their classmates around them as with each passing day, the deathly looks from the shorter of the two grew more and more twisted anytime someone stepped within a foot of the blonde. Enid hadn't cared, she had Wednesday, which was more than enough for her. With that, she cleared up a majority of the rumors surrounding her friend (by way of her 'anonymous' school gossip blog), and continued on her merry way.

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