Chapter 3

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A new day, a new way to make money. It was becoming something of a catch-phrase the blonde would say to herself after waking up. While it didn't necessarily make much sense as she was doing the same thing to make money, she liked it nevertheless, it made her feel productive.

Speaking of productivity, she had to stream herself gaming at some point today. She used to only do so twice a week or so, but she's found that her followers appreciate more content in a smaller fashion. It did make for a bit more work on her part, but this was technically her full-time job, so it wouldn't hurt to put forth more time and effort. It wasn't like she had anything better to do with her time, so she might as well.

She sat up in bed, eyeing the hole in her wall. It wasn't much of an eyesore for her really, as thoughts of her roommate flooded her mind whenever she stole a glance at it. It was a welcome sight, for now. The wolf cracked a smile at the thought of the two dying of laughter the previous day, each unable to catch their breaths. Moments like those made for forever friendship memories, and, hopefully, stories they could one day tell their kids. Well, she might be getting a little ahead of herself with kids but it wasn't a far-off thought for the wolf.

No noises had been heard around the house for the duration of her being awake thus far, so it was safe to say that the goth was most likely attending class. Which meant it was a perfect time to stream for a bit, safe from any distractions, loud noises, or surprise encounters.

She ran to the restroom, where she washed her face, brushed her hair and teeth, and applied a fresh layer of makeup. Giving herself a onceover, she flashed the mirror a smile, declaring herself stream ready.

Beginning to head back towards her room, she redirected herself as she forgot to grab her daily caffeine intake from the kitchen. The kitchen was spotless, food from the previous night put away and the counters wiped clean. The blonde stood in front of the fridge, grasping the handle to open it before pausing as she caught sight of a hastily scribbled note on the fridge door. It read, "Puppy, I require that you eat at least a bowl of the Minestrone in the fridge, if you forget to eat again, I will be both very disappointed and offended." On the same note, just under the writing, sat a little drawing of a dog drinking out of a bowl of steaming soup. It looked as if it was meant to be a golden retriever mix, maybe with a lab? No, more like a golden retriever/cocker-spaniel mix, as the ears looked to be crimped and slightly floppy.

She could tell she was only inner debating with herself to keep tears from flowing and messing up her newly painted face. She couldn't handle it, the goth doing little things like the note to ensure Enid knew that she was thinking of her and her wellbeing. Not to mention the drawing was one of the most adorable things she'd ever seen from her roommate, as she was known to draw much darker unmentionables if she could help it, which was more often than not.

The stream could wait, the wolf mused, as not only was she hungry but she was legitimately worried about forgetting to eat and potentially upsetting the goth. So, she opened the fridge, grabbing not only her energy drink but also the container of soup. Opening the container, she poured out a bit for herself in a separate bowl to place into the microwave, inputting 2 minutes and pressing start so it could warm while she replaced the container of soup in the fridge.

After doing so, the blonde grabbed her phone, unlocking it and opening Twitter so she could send out that she was going to be streaming very soon. She knew her followers had the option to turn on notifications for when she went live but Enid herself appreciated when the people she followed and/or watched sent out a message beforehand, so she assumed her followers would enjoy the same.

Ignoring the immediate likes and replies she received, she nabbed the steaming bowl from the microwave, careful to not let any of it spill as she set it on the countertop. She allowed it to cool a bit, taking the time to open the can she had grabbed from the fridge beforehand. The streamer took a long sip, basking in the oncoming caffeine rush she was about to experience. She really appreciated quiet mornings like this, ones where she could relax, eat (occasionally) and sip her overly caffeinated drink while she pondered different subjects.

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