The Prologue

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  The Supreme Balance.

It's a powerful force that binds the sky, and the Earth together. Space and Time entwined through the fabric of reality. Life and Death through unfettered willingness to persevere through all forms of spiritual, and physical tether.

"or feather! Hahahaha haha... haa.."
an owl spoke

"We've heard this story so many times before Kronii." said Baelz.

"Yeah we want to go to bed, and roll around in the warm blankets that we bought recently. Mine is made of genuine wool!" Fauna proclaimed proudly.

"I agree with Bae. I know this story from the back of my head!" Sana said.

"I tell you all this story to make sure you remember it's utter importance. Without the Supreme Balance, we wouldn't even be here today! Besides, I wouldn't want you to forget like a certain someone among us..."

The council's eyes shifted towards Mumei, and she gave a big smile to them.

Mumei lives a fairly simple life. To record the history of human's and their choices. Stream on the Holonet to thousands of viewers, and ultimately garner more attention. The occasional collaboration stream will draw in more fans, and she sleeps good knowing someone new has subscribed.

Her and Kronii were particularly close. After the Council meeting, her & Mumei had left to their homes together. Their topics of conversation were interesting. "Do you like... shed feathers whenever you get older? Or can you do the thing, with your face?" Kronii asked. Mumei knew what she was talking about. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Mumei replied blatantly with a big smile.

Along the way, their conversation continued and Mumei noticed something from the corner of her eye. A van with 3 men dressed in suits, with gear on. Only Mumei had noticed, maybe because of her owl's perception? It looked suspicious, but she passed it off as normal people doing their job. "With everyone competing for subscriber counts, do you think anyone will graduate anytime soon?" Kronii asked. "I really hope not. Even if they do; we'll all still be here. Doing our job to keep the scales even." Mumei replied. "I'm not talking about that graduation..." Kronii murmurs. After a short moment of silence, Mumei finally decided on her answer. "I think everyone are good friends right now. You have to fight it more to want it." Mumei replied. Kronii and Mumei, entered the home of the owl, or the 'nest' as she liked to call it.


After a trivia stream with Kronii, Fauna and Gura, the two had finally lost their energy. Kronii set up a hammock in Mumei's room, and fell into a deep slumber. Mumei forgot to feed her legendary Animal. As she grabbed the bag of food from her pantry, Mumei noticed she had left the TV on. Before she turned it off, she saw news of a major fire set to two buildings. A hospital, and a bank, with over a hundred people dead. There were eye witness reports that told the press of 3 men with all black, and weapons on them. Mumei's suspicions were right, those men had planned to do harm, and Mumei didn't take action. Inside, she felt a sense of failure, and guilt. She was quickly brought back by the loving gestures of Animal, and filled the bowl up. Animal was appreciative of Mumei.

Before going back to her bed, Mumei felt the presence of something else. She quickly caught on. It was Friend, and floating behind her with a bright smile. "You felt it didn't you?" Friend said. Mumei turned her head in the opposite direction. "You have feelings of resentment, I can feel them too. After all, we are bound together by destiny." Friend said. "I don't have anything like that. Just disappointment is all." Mumei said. "I understand why. If that's the case, why not let me take control for a little while? I promise things would be different." Friend said. "You know I can't do that... not again." Mumei said. "Worth a shot right? I'm here if you ever need anything." Friend dispersed into air. Mumei had jumped into her bed, and assumed her sleeping position. Animal jumped onto the bed as well.

The sleeping position Mumei assumed is different from Kronii's. While Mumei sleeps on her back, straight like a coffin; Kronii does acrobatics in her hammock. When she sleeps on her side, she'll roll into a ball and maneuver around the hammock. Until eventually she rolls off the hammock, and collides with the ground head-first. After which she climbs back into her hammock, and begin the cycle again.

Kronii wakes up with a huge bump on her head.

Prologue End

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