Chapter 10 - what's next?

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A few weeks later after Davina's funeral Everyone sat down Not knowing what to do next Or where to go Klaus sat beside Hayley Elena on Elijah's lap Jeremy beside Rebekah Bonnie on Damon's lap Next thing they know Stefan comes in we're in big trouble Lily is alive and she is coming after us Stefan spoke to Damon
Damon's eyes went wide How in the blue hell is she alive?Damon spoke after a few moments of silence
"Whatever you guys need we are here to help" Kol spoke thank you we gladly accept your offer Damon spoke
look I have someone on the inside she is telling me everything you remember Valerie?
Stefan spoke looking at Damon at the end yes I do
I do believe she was the one that got away Damon said Valerie is still alive and she is telling me everything Stefan said Ok what do you know so far?
Mikael asks.

Meanwhile just outside of Mystic Falls....

Are you sure love? Julian asks..I am sure they have done so much damage could Stefan behave so badly after Valerie told him that's she was pregnant then proceed to beat her up?be the very man that his father used to be Lily now huffed Believing what Julian had told her But in reality it was Julian that beat her up.

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