Chapter 2

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I have a letter from her but I'm to afraid to open it, she might have just wrote it so she could tell me that it's my fault and how she wishes she never met me but it's time for me to man up and finally read it. Here goes nothing.... I sigh and look through a old box that has been sitting in my room since she passed, her parents gave me all of the photos of her and I together that they took.
After about 2minutes I found the letter and opened it
----------------The Letter-------------
Dear Thomas,
I know you think this is your fault, it's not your fans wanted me dead so I just have them their wish. You couldn't stop me anyways I hated every second of being alive! I wish life was easy but everyday of my life was a struggle, I'm so sorry it had to turn out like this, make a promise to me you will move on and find a girl that you would love just as much as you loved me.Don't be afraid to tell her how you feel about her, I love you tommy and I hope you have a wonderful life, find you the perfect girl that gives you butterflies every time you see her, don't forget about me love <3
Miss and love you
By the end of the letter I'm crying, my fans didn't like her ,I mean a couple of them loved her but I guess it wasn't enough to save her...
I look at my phone for a few minutes before getting a call from Dylan
D-aye bro are you coming to my party later?
T-I'll think about it, will there be vodka?
D - well duh !!
T-I'll be there!
D- great its at 9 I'll see you bye dude
T-bye dyl
I normally don't drink but sometimes that is the only thing that can take my mind off of everything. This world is so cruel, how can people live their life to the fullest if they know that they have made someone give up their life. Hearing Anna's voice again would make my life easier,I loved Anna and I still do but, i'm going to forget about her tonight. If I can't cut then I'll drink they both have the same amount of power, with alcohol you can forget about the world, the same with cutting it relives your pain and takes a lot of weight off your heart...

I feel empty, like I have no heart,no soul or mind. Without Anna in my life it makes everything difficult, I can't even walk outside and not feel pain because I will see something like her favorite flowers I used to pick for her on her birthday or the icecream stand on 4th street that we used to visit, everything hurts! Why can I just hold her and kiss her one more time, I would kill to hear her voice again,everything we did together I would always get a swarm of butterflies it my stomach. You would think after a while the butterflies would go away, but they never did. Every time we would kiss it would feel like the first time...

Thomas you can't live this way, you have places to go and people to meet you can't grieve over some girl who ended her life!
But I love her and no matter how hard I try to forget her, the memories flood my mind....

"Tommy, you know I love you right?" Anna says intertwining her fingers with mine, they fit perfectly like they where made for each other like a jigsaw, every piece has its own match and Anna was mine..
"Of course I know you love me but.... I bet you my life I love you more." I say grabbing her by her waist and pulling her closer.
"That's impossible mr.Sangster..." She says leaning against my chest.
"Mrs.Sangster it is very possible.." I say putting my chin on the top of her head.
"I'm not mrs.Sangster." She wraps her arms around my neck.
"Not yet my love, not yet..."
-------FLASHBACK OVER-------
I didn't think about how lucky I was back then, I thought this is just shallow love it can never be real, but I knew nothing... It wasn't shallow love it was TRUE love.. It took me a while to realize what I had and by the time I did it was to late.....
I'm so sorry this took so long school started back up and I had major writers block butttttt hope you liked it!!!!

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