Lovey & Mushyy

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I'm laying on the couch watching tv waiting for Shawn to walk through the door from work. I hear the knob jiggle and he walks in, "baby?!" I run into his arms as my bathrobe flows in the air. "I'm so happy I'm home, I had a long day and all I wanna do is lay down with you watch tv and just cuddle and eat" haha okay! And he runs upstairs to go change, I take off my robe and throw it on the couch just wearing shorts and a tank top. Shawn walks down the stairs shirtless but in grey sweatpants, jumping over the couch pulling me into his lap. "Can we stay this way all night? Your really warm" Yes Shawn, and I lay my head on his chest. Shawn? "Hmm?" Mare you still gonna love me when I'm old? Like what are you gonna do when and old and wrinkly. "I'll still love you, I'll never leave you you have me wrapped around your little finger" good haha, and I grab his face and kiss him.

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