Why Try

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It's been 3 days since I've seen Shawn I've been at my parents vacation house in Aruba. I'm home 2 days early so I can surprise Shawn, I walk in the door and Shawn has friends over and there all hanging out and he's watching a football game. Shawn baby!!!! And he barely noticed my existence, Shawn I'm home! Are you gonna even hug me? "Ugh babe I'm busy we can later" and he continues watching the tv. I stand there in front of him with tears flooding my eyes, and I walk up the stairs slowly. As soon as I get into our bedroom I start crying, it was almost like he didn't care. I lay on the bed and cry in silent, I can hear them all loudly talking, laughing and joking around. I grab tissues from the night table and use a ton of them till my makeup is all off my face. I walk by my dresser looking for something to change into, I grab an oversized hoodie and slide off my shorts and t-shirt and just throw my hoodie over my bra and panties. I lay in our bed and start texting my friend and about what's going on. I can hear them walking around and I hear the front door close and I hear Shawn coming up the stairs. "Babe!! How was your trip I missed you!!" You obviously didn't miss me that much, considering you basically ignored me when I came home if football is more important to you then your girlfriend why don't you sleep next to that tonight? "What?! Your the most important thing in my life" I didn't feel that way when I got home, it's like you don't love me anymore. "I don't love you? I don't know what would kill me more hearing you say that or not being able to love you and watch someone else do it for me, if I were to ever express how much I love you id be sitting here forever, I'm so madly in love with the things you try to hide like the way you bite your bottom lip when your nervous, or the way you twiddle your fingers when you can't think of something to say, you say there flaws but I know that there beautiful unrecognized creations from Angels, now don't you tell me that someone like me who can say all of those things doesn't love you because I do so much" then why did you basically shun me in front of all your friends? "I don't know I was like so focused on that stupid game, but I promise you it won't happen again" and I fall into his arms, I love you Shawn. And he pulls me into his lap, "You are so beautiful oh my god" he says as he looks into my eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest, I lay down on our bed and he curls up behind me holding my back against his chest. Can we stay this way all night? Shawn? And I turn around and look at him and he's already old cold sleeping. I kiss his cheek and he wakes up half sleeping and pulls me in closer to him. "Goodnight sweetie"

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