chapter 14

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Allie's pov

Zoe immediatly barged into the room not taking a look around her
She didn't see me and she started ranting about some stuff without any breaks to breathe

What is she doing here and why did she barge into the room like that?

"Zoe-", mattheo tried to speak up but got interrupted by the sudden touch of zoe putting her hand on his upper arm
"and i really want to try! I want us to be together mattheo..", she said while pacing her hand further up his arm and walking towards him before she finally noticed me
"What is she doing here?", she asked while making a disgusted face

Weren't we like best friends a few days ago?

I could only think about how mattheo didn't even try to push her off
He probably thought i was just one of his flings that he could fuck and then never speak to again

God i am so stupid

I quickly make my way out while speaking to mattheo one last time
"This was a mistake", i exclaimed before pushing myself past him
"Yeah, little allie should better go before she makes herself think that anyone could love her", she muttered only loud enough to be heard by me and mattheo

He raised his eyebrows in confusion as i stopped to walk but my back still facing them
I sighed as i turned around and rushed to zoe
"You will never talk to me again like this!", i huffed as my hand made its way to zoe's face slapping her so hard that she stumbles back

She and mattheo, who was watching us while leaning against the door frame, were visibly shocked

Not as shocked as me though

I just turned around and started to walk away, not knowing what made me wanting to slap her so hard
I never even thought i would ever do that

But it felt so damn good

Seeing her shocked and confused face made it even better

10/10, would do it again

I chuckled as i walked to my dorm to get my things because i will be staying with pansy for now
We got close in those few weeks because our shared hate towards mattheo

Or what i thought was hate-

Do i like him?

Why is it obvious to everybody else but to me

Feelings are confusing
I wish i could turn them off

I packed my stuff without rushing
If zoe's smart enough she will stay away from me for a while
I wouldn't mind slapping her even harder for all the shit she's put me through

How could i ignore all the red flags she's been giving me for the past years?
Why did i let her make me unnoticable?
I don't understand how i was fine with being zoe's shadow

I never wanted to be her shadow.

I finished packing my things such as clothes, my hairbrush and products, and my make up
I made my way to pansy's dorm only to find draco on top of her in her bed

I'm praying that they're at least clothed

"God i hope this isn't the bed that i'm gonna sleep in", i said while dropping my stuff next to a desk
"What are you doing here allie", draco questioned me making me laugh a bit
"What is up with people asking me that question"
"What- you know i don't even want to know", draco said starting to get off pansy

Thank god his dick wasn't out

"Wheres zoe? Is everything alright with her?", he added
"I thought you did not want to know?", i smiled sarcastically while slowly unpacking my things
"Yeah i dont, thanks for reminding me", he said while making his way out the dorm
"I'll see you around pansy", he added and smirked
Pansy just giggled as draco walked out

"Ew", i said while making gag sounds
I stopped as pansy threw a pillow at me'
I looked at her trying not to laugh but failing miserably
"Oh shut it allie"
Her pulling her blanket over her head made me laugh even harder
"Are yall just fucking or?...", i asked her raising my eyebrows
"I don't know.. i want more but i don't want to ruin what we have now. I really like him"
"Talk to him. I promise you won't ruin anything, pansy", i smiled
She just nodded while sitting herself up before i got back to unpacking my things

"Do you like someone?", pansy asked breaking the silence
I sighed at the thought of mattheo and zoe noticed that
"What did mattheo do?"


"What? How did you-"
"Everbody can see how much you both like each other, it's not a secret anymore alls", she laughed, "but seriously, what did he do?"
"I guess he doesn't like me", i muttered while putting the last few things into my new closet
"Why? What happened?"

I sighed before i started to talk

"We kissed.. in his dorm. We almost.. you know.. and then zoe barged into the room like a homeless man searching for shelter and started to flirt with him. Mattheo didn't even move one fucking inch. I don't think me and mattheo are meant to be together", i truthfully said letting myself fall onto the bed
"God how could i be so fucking stupid", i almost screamed into my pillow
"I always thought zoe was a bitch", pansy said while dropping next to me on the bed while putting her arm around me
"I wish i would have realized that earlier", i said while taking a look at the time

The dinner bell is about to ring
I really don't want to see mattheo right now but i'm starving

"We have dinner in a few minutes", pansy said when she noticed i was looking at the clock
"Yeah, just thought about that too. I hope mattheo chooses to starve in his dorm because i will have a whole meltdown when i see him at dinner", i exclaimed as pansy laughed and we stood up to walk to the great hall

I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss
I wanted more of it but i knew i would never get the chance to

I wouldn't let myself kiss this asshole again

To my suprise mattheo really didn't come to dinner
I sighed out of relief and sat with pansy at the end of the slytherin table leaving theo, enzo and draco confused on why we just walked past them

Only zoe wasn't

She has the audacity to give me a dirty look what made the urge to slap her again even bigger
I looked away to hold myself back from doing that

As soon as enzo saw the looks that me and zoe gave each other he kind of understood, made his way to us and sat down next to pansy

"What the fuck is going on? You looked at zoe like you planned to beat the shit out of her after dinner"
"Might even do that, who fucking knows", i muttered while shoving food into my mouth
"Okay actually what is going on?", he questioned before i explained everything to him

"... and that's when i slapped her", i finished explaining the whole situation
"Damn. I wish i could have seen that in person. I never really liked her."
"I said that too", pansy quickly added to enzos response making all of us laugh

We talked for an hour or so before pansy and i decided to go to our dorm because we were tired
I was so tired

Especially after today

We said good bye to enzo and walked to our dorm, still talking about a topic enzo started a few minutes ago
As we reached her dorm we both got ready for bed

I crawled into my bed, letting a sigh of relief out as i pulled the blankets over me
Finally some rest.

I had to prepare myself for sitting next to mattheo for two hours tomorrow because snape decided it would be funny to force us to sit together

I thought about that for a moment before drifting into sleep

What a weekend.


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