Song 11: Tense Alliances

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From the shadows emerged a figure clad in the robes of a Vayan Mayj. His presence carried an air of both power and uncertainty. His own magical prowess was evident, his aura tinged with the enigmatic energy that defined the Mayj's order. Axel's grip tightened on his sword, ready to defend himself and Seven against any threat.

The strange-looking Mayj held up his hands, his tone calm and composed. "My name is Percian. No need for violence. I mean you no harm."

Axel's brows furrowed, suspicion etched into his features. "And what do you want, Mayj? You're with those Vayan troops we saw heading north aren't you?"

Percian's gaze shifted from Axel to Seven, his eyes narrowing as they took in her arcane tattoos. "I've been tracking you, though not with hostile intent. There's something amiss in these lands, something that has caught the attention of the Mayj's council."

Seven's fingers twitched around the grip of her whitewood staff, her tattoos shimmering faintly indigo. "You're not here to capture us?"

Percian shook his head. "No. I'm here to gather information, to understand the truth of what's happening in the north."

Axel and Seven exchanged a cautious glance, a silent agreement passing between them. It was clear that their paths had collided with the Vayan Mayj, and the outcome of this meeting could shape the course of their journey.

"Why should we trust you?" Axel's voice was as sharp as his sword. His history with the Vayan Empire filled him with deep suspicions. He didn't recognize the long dark hair and keenly intelligent eyes of this particular Mayj, but he knew that they weren't to be trusted.

Percian's gaze held Axel's, his tone sincere. "Because I am questioning my own people, Axel. There are rumors, troubling whispers of dealings, and actions that go against the principles of the Mayj's council. I am suspicious of my peer, Graylen. I believe he may be involved in activities that could endanger the empire."

Seven's eyes narrowed as she listened, her heart conflicted between suspicion and the potential for an unexpected ally. She knew very little of the Mayj's, as she barely had regained enough memories of herself. Seven's knowledge of the world and how the Empire functioned was limited, out of the corner of her eye she watched Axel, knowing that she should follow his instincts.

Axel's grip on his sword relaxed slightly, though his wariness remained. "So, you're looking for information, and you thought we might have something to share? How did you even find us? Do you know who we are?"

Percian nodded. "Yes. I've sensed something... sinister in these lands. Something that doesn't align with the goals of the Mayj's council. If you've encountered any disturbing activities or cultist presence, I need to know."

Seven glanced at Axel, their silent exchange conveying their shared resolve. They had faced darkness before, and they knew that this encounter could be a turning point. Both of them wondered just how much information this mysterious Mayj already knew. The Empire had lost a lot of troops in the battle of the sanctuary, and there was no doubt that news had traveled fast to the other Vayan lords, and very little escaped the attention of the enigmatic and powerful Mayj's. 

Axel sighed, his gaze never leaving Percian's. "Again, how much do you know of us? A chance encounter with someone like you out here in the north is no accident, so what information do you have?"

Percian's eyes held a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "You both have intriguing backgrounds, ones that may offer insight into the larger puzzle. You should know that the Mayj's are very aware of a defected Crown Hound. What we do not know, at least not fully, is who exactly this woman is?" His intelligent features once again scanned the chain tattoos that encircled Seven's arms, a hint of recognition in his eyes told them that he had an understanding that they definitely held a strange arcane power. 

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