Song 20: A Chance to Rebuild

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The small bonfire crackled and sent sparks dancing into the night as the survivors gathered around, warming their tired faces and hands around the flames. The last of the free folk were exhausted and there was a lingering disbelief at the events that had unfolded in the past few weeks. Seven lay in the tent, shrouded in a profound slumber, her silhouette visible through the fabric. Her energy had been completely spent, and the sorceress had been in recovery for nearly a full day and night.

The hushed murmurs of the weary survivors wove through the chilly air. They spoke of the mysterious sorceress, this woman who had appeared like a beacon of light in their darkest hour, and how she was the very same figure who had caused their near-extinction. The question lingered in their minds: where had she come from, and what twisted destiny had led her to this moment?

Percian, sitting near the fire, broke the silence with a suggestion. "There's a hall of records in the Vayan Empire. It might have information about her family, and her origins. But I must admit, it's a long shot. Even with my connections to the Mayj's, it's doubtful we'd find any record on her."

Axel, his voice thick with concern and wariness, responded, "Bringing her into the heart of the empire is too risky. I can't return there, but perhaps the rest of the Hounds could? You were all sent here by the Emperor after all, you'll need to make some kind of report to him."

Gavin nodded in agreement, "True. But... We've seen what the Emperor is capable of. He and his Mayj's created our little group after all. The last thing we need is to become entangled in their politics again."

Elena, her eyes fixed on the tent where Seven rested, voiced her concern. "She's been through enough. We shouldn't drag her back to a place that caused her so much pain. It's bad enough that the Vayan empire holds a guillotine above our necks, no need to bring her into it."

Percian, looking thoughtful, added, "I have my reasons for avoiding a return to the Vayan Empire as well. Trust me; it's not a place one willingly returns to. I've grown weary of the other Mayj's, and I've now seen what unchecked ambition and power produces."

The survivors exchanged glances as they listened in on the conversation, the collective indecision churning in their hearts. The realization had set in among them all that despite turning back a great evil and possibly preventing some sort of cataclysm, it meant very little to them now that they had no home. Most of the settlements of the north had been destroyed, and the Sanctuary itself was little more than rubble. 

The campfire released a puff of smoke, obscuring the faces of the Crown Hounds. Axel, his eyes intense with conviction, spoke up amidst the shadow of smoke. "We can't stay tied to the Empire any longer. The people of the north need us, and we owe them that much. We've seen what the Empire is capable of, and I won't be part of their tyranny any longer. I came here to seek Sanctuary and I found it, then lost it. I can only begin to imagine how these people must feel now."

Lara, defiant but worried, retorted, "Axel, you know what that means. Desertion means they'll come after our families. We can't just abandon them. You made your choices, don't force us to make the same ones."

Gavin, his gaze locked on the dying embers of the fire, added, "We're not free men. We're shackled to the Empire, and breaking those chains comes at a high cost."

Percian, sitting silently, understood the weight of their words. The Vayan Empire held the families of the Crown Hounds like a vice, a threat that hung over them like a perpetual storm cloud. He felt that he bore some of that responsibility, his order of Mayj's was instrumental in the creation of the Crown Hounds.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I can't ask you to risk your families for this cause," Axel admitted, frustration etched across his face. "I shouldn't have abandoned them, nor should I have abandoned you all... but I just..."

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