Truth or dare

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Pansy and I walk towards the great hall to have lunch, from how she told me the food is delicious (certainly better than the Hydra soup).
He was right, the food was delicious.
As I'm used to, I ate a lot, my favorite thing was the pumpkin soup.

We sit in the same seat this morning and next to us sit Draco and Tom and another dark skinned guy I don't know.

We sit in the same seat this morning and next to us sit Draco and Tom and another dark skinned guy I don't know

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He introduces himself as blaise zabini

After a while we start talking and Draco, who is in my class asks me
D-"What else can you do?"
You-"What do you mean?"
D-"we all saw what you did in class"
You-"aaah ok"
D-"You didn't answer my question"
You-"it's more fun if you don't know"
Draco says "bitch" and then coughs making everyone laugh.

Lunch passes between laughter and jokes and we decide to go back to the dormitories.
P-" in the afternoon we usually always play truth or dare in the common room, you should come"
You-"I'll be there"
You-"wait, what is truth or dare?"
She explains the game to you and then you set off to go to the common room.

I saw all the others sitting in a circle on the floor and a glass bottle on the floor Pansy and I sit down and start playing.
B(Blaise)-"who starts?"
E(Enzo, Lorenzo's nickname)-"I'm going"
He spins the bottle and lands on Draco.

And-"truth or dare?"
E-"kiss the new girl"
Draco smiles, walks up to me and kisses me, my first kiss.
It was, I don't know how to describe it, intense.

I see Mattheo clenching his fists and getting serious, I don't understand why he reacts like this, he's always an asshole to me.
I ignore it and we continue to play and have fun.

After a while it gets dark.
I'm not hungry also because I'm not used to eating a lot of food, so I decide to go to the library.

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