12. Underwater Eucalyptus

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Will snapped his eyes open as he jerked into a sitting position. Realising that it was a nightmare, Will tried to gather his bearings and control his breathing. Beads of sweat rolled down Will’s forehead as he inhaled sharply. There was a sharp ringing in his head and there was a loud pounding against his skull like he had just downed a barrel of whiskey. He hasn’t had a drop of alcohol since his realisation at Hannibal’s place. As the thought of Hannibal entered his mind, Will looked to the side and found the doctor asleep. His face was buried against the pillow but still managed to look composed even in his sleep. Usually, Hannibal would awaken at the slightest movement but his confrontation with the FBI had drained the doctor into a deep sleep.

Once he had calmed himself, Will closed his eyes and imagined wading into the calm stream. With the nightmare still lingering in the back of his mind, Will decided to wash his face. Trying his best to keep quiet, Will slowly slithered off the bed and planted his feet on the floor. The cool wood provided a bit of relief and grounding. The clock showed that it was 2: 38am.

Just as Will was about to walk into the bathroom, a soft blinking light on the nightstand caught his attention. The phone. Hannibal had not locked it in his drawer. Almost frozen in his place, Will’s mind rushed through all the different situations that can take place within the next five minutes. He could try and call for help. He can hide it and use it later when he has the chance. No. That wouldn’t work. Hannibal would notice that it was missing. Will could also forget he ever saw the phone and go back to sleep. A part of him ached to go back to sleep. To lie in bed with the devil. Yet, there was this righteous, more daring part of him that was desperate for an escape.

Making up his mind, Will slowly creeped up towards the nightstand and grabbed the phone. Without wasting any more time, the profiler quickly walked into the bathroom, flicking the light on before locking the door. The sound of the lock being turned was awfully loud. Loud enough to disturb Hannibal from his sleep.

“Will?” Hannibal called out as he pushed himself from the pillow.

Hearing Hannibal’s voice, Will started panicking as he switched the phone on. “In the bathroom.”

“Is everything alright?”

“Yeah,” Will answered back as he started calling the first number that came to his mind. Beverly. With his breath quickening in fear and adrenaline, Will hopefully listened to the ringing sound as he prayed for Beverly to pick up. Pick up. Pick up. Please. Please. In order to not arouse any suspicion, Will flushed the toilet before turning the faucet on. The flow of water slightly muffled the ringing. Leaning against a small cabinet, Will desperately awaited the voice of his friend.

While Hannibal heard the sound of the faucet, something nagged at the back of the doctor's brain. Looking over to the nightstand, Hannibal distinctly remembered leaving his phone there. Now, all that was left was a candle stand. Realising his mistake, Hannibal lunged out of bed and towards the bathroom door. “Open the door, Will.”

Knowing he had gotten caught, Will softly cursed as he rushed to barricade the door with the tiny cabinet. Will jumped at the loud bang against the door. He knew he didn’t have a lot of time. Just as he was about to hang up, there was a slight click and the sound of Beverly’s voice reached Will’s ears.


“Beverly, I don’t have much time.” Will quickly spoke, not bothering to whisper since Hannibal already knew. Instead of telling her that he’s alright, which he won’t be once Hannibal gets in, Will decided to list out everything that would help the FBi find them. There was a jingle of keys from the otherside of the door telling Will that Hannibal was so close to getting in. Will quickly rammed his body against the cabinet. “Somewhere in Virginia, surrounded by woods. Big house. Gravel on the driveway. Find me. Please.”

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