chapter one

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The last of my relatives had just died a week beforehand I was all alone in this world and all I had left was a small bookstore at the corner of town that had been passed through my family for Generations it appeared that nobody had stepped foot in this place for years then again my family had always said it was haunted I never believed that of course but no one would ever explain why they believed that but they still closed its doors
I had decided when I was the only one left that I would open it's doors again because books deserve to be opened and read and they shouldn't just sit there on a shelf and collect dust

Thank you for reading the first chapter of my book as I said the updates will be small and sporadic so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any feedback please leave it in the comments

the unopened bookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin