chapter 4

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I walked into my childhood home that I hadn't stepped foot in since I was 18 I was shocked it looked nothing like it had when I was a child it was clean dusted and absolutely looked like a home I can't remember the last time that this Cottage looked like this it appears that somebody had come into the Cottage before my mother had died and cleaned cuz I doubt that my mother would have cleaned the Cottage she never was a clean person I continued to walk around and look through each room to see if it was truly clean it was and every room I walked into I was more surprised there was actually photos of me up because before I had left she was screaming that if I left there would not be a trace of me left in this house and that everything that I left behind would be thrown away but surprisingly my room looked exactly the same way it had when I had left it possibly a little bit more organized I chuckled to myself thinking about it I've never been an organized person But at least I wouldn't leave garbage and dirty dishes around my house like she had when I was a child
When I was done looking around the house I walked back up to my old bedroom with my luggage and curled into my old bed and fell asleep for the night hoping that tomorrow was a better day

Thank you to everybody that actually reads this garbage I don't know even why I'm writing this book it's just something that pops into my head every now and then I'm like oh maybe I should write a chapter but for those of you that actually are reading this for some reason sorry for such a long time since I've written life got busy and I couldn't think of what to write next I will be trying to write more and yes I know I don't really check my grammar or put punctuation or any of that number one I'm lazy number two I frankly just don't care and I don't know why people read this

the unopened bookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora