Ex-girlfriend -_-

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Itsuki's p.o.v (Next day)

Itsuki's dream:

"This dance is sick!" Rikuto yelled, over the music.
"Hey it's our turn!" I said.
"Good luck!" Iyori yelled, while waving.

"NEXT UP, ITSUKI AND RIKUTO!" A tall man, with a tuxedo yelled
*Rikuto and Itsuki are singing bad blood, by Taylor Swift*

(Song's over) People are clapping, and cheering...

"You guys did amazing!" Izumi yelled.
"Thanks!" Rikuto said.

"LAST BUT NOT LEAST-" I couldn't here the names because of the loud music...

Tow people jumped up the stage, both of them were wearing black. One was a girl and the other was a boy, they were teens... The girl on the right, was wearing a black dress with a necklace that had a cross sighn.

The boy on the left was wearing casual clothing, he also had a cross necklace. They both looked very familiar, somehow...

Both of them started to sing an unknown song... it was sad and sorrowful. In the middle of the song, angel wings appeared on both of them! The boy's wings were black, and the girl's were white.

There dancing was amazing! They didn't get a foot wrong...

When they were done dancing, the crowed cheered and they bowed down.

*Dream over* (Normal p.o.v)

"Wow! What just happened?!?" The teenage girl asked herself. Since she was too loud, she woke up Rikuto! "What did happen?" He asked. Itsuki's eyes widened, "Nothing! G-go back to sleep!" She yelled at him, "You had a wierd dream didn't you?" He questioned. "How'd you..." Was all Itsuki could say.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you, do you want to go to a party with me? You know, so I can show you my friends and everything?" He asked, "Wait! What!?! WHEN?!" She yelled, "Today of course..." The boy answered.

"Fine..." She said, finally agreeing. "But won't your girlfriend be angry if you bring me along?" Itsuki asked, while looking down. "Ex-girlfriend..." Rikuto corrected. "Why did you break up with her?" The girl asked, "I don't want to talk about it..." Rikuto continued.

"Oh... okay..." Itsuki said.

Her expression: ♡o♡
His expression: O_O

To be continued...
Hahaha hahaha hahaha!!! Tell me, what you think guys!

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