Chapter 1 - SHITTT

358 13 31

Y/N POV (1st Person)

Dammit S/N...

I told you not to come here...

I sigh as I set my bike down gently under a covering and out of sight of people walking by. No one should see it unless they actively look, which is probably unlikely...

Dammit it was hard to bike here. But I mean, not like I could drive here... my car ain't made to drive through snow and ice, and no one ever cleans up the road here anymore...

Because no one wants to come here. Much less myself.

Especially after...

The incident.

Which my therapist said I should work on addressing my trauma instead of stuffing it down and ignoring it, but I'm fineee...

But seriously. S/N, his cousin S/S/N, and his two kids of my friend F/N, F/D/N and F/S/N, and his friend Claire. They're all here. At least, if S/N's note of why he's gone is any indication...

Dang it, I know he's 13 but he doesn't need to be rebellious already! Dammit teenangers...

I brought only a few things with me... should be a quick in and out. Quickly go in, find the kids, and leave.

Not too hard... I hope...

Let's see... my old level 4 security keycard... a bottle of water... a first aid pack... a few small bags of catnip because somehow that distracts the mascots...

Yep, everything I need. I hope.

I sigh yet again in exasperation as I start walking towards the main entrance, and get lost in my thoughts.

I used to love working here... until I saw the mascots they tried to make... the mascots are terrifying looking, and look nothing like their cartoon selves...

It's... horrifying.



The main door is blocked off by debris and rubble... but if the kids got in... there must be another way in.

And... yep. A broken window.

I walk over and climb in, wincing slightly when I cut my hand a little.

I grimace a bit, but it's not even that noticeable. I should be fine if I lead it untouched...

I glance around the lobby... there's the welcome desk... the old mural of the main six... the chairs and a few old toys... this looks like it was preserved in a museum and untouched for years... the same as I remember when I quit... but eerily quiet... and ominous...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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